Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Garage clearout!

We have amongst other things ...

Butterfly table with four chairs that store inside the table.
One sofa bed (need to find cushions and needs a clean!).
One fold up guest bed.
CRT 19" PC Monitor.
IKEA low TV/Media unit, birch.
PC case, motherboard/cpu/memory (3200/DFI Lan/4 gig - should be working).
Video, casette deck, rack mountable mixer.
15" TFT.
Various kids toys, free standing table sand pit, etc.
Kids buggies with accessories.
Automatic swinging chair.
High chair.
Car seat.
Rowing machine.
Various bricks and bits of wood.
One small childs desk - handmade.
Childrens stair gate.
Sink, new, quite large, needs pedestal though!
Large cupboard - needs building - should all be there, maybe not the screws, although just found a random pack ..
Buffy Series one,two and three on VHS. I'm Alan Partridge Series I VHS.

Shelf unit (tall, small).
Baby door bouncer.
1 Large thin rug.
One bed table (legs go under bed)
2 small tables - damaged surface
Various bricks, wood, tiles, paint.

Most stuff free if collected, some (eg. rowing machine) will be sold.

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