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TWKgaming blog

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Nov 24

ONOZ!!!!! Mah Stats!!!!!111one

Posted by VoGon in HLStatsX


We have just upgraded to the new version of HLStatsX:CE.

This means a reset on all stats, but also separate ranking for all servers.

As always there will be some controversy, some will like it and some wont. Some will cry because they lost their rank, some will see it as an opportunity to climb to number one.

We have changed to individual ranking as there were requests (and its always good to be number one in your favourite server isn't it?).

Complains, cheers and insults can be directed to myself, but I am sure most of the high rank players will be high ranked soon enough.

Now go and be N1 again!

Nov 24

It's here!!

Posted by DreamState in Servers , Donations , Community


We've been blown away by the response to the donations thread - and as some of you know, we have our new server!

Thank you very much to everyone who has donated - this ensured that the planned upgrade to our dedicated server has, as of today, been actioned and this should put pay to the lag we currently sometimes experience! Without the donations, this was going to be very hard for us to support, if not impossible.

A huge thanks go to Vogon and Tunes who actually did the server swap which is a large and time consuming job. For the most part, the swap was so smooth you will probably not even notice that anything occurred, although there may be a couple of teething issues over the next few days so please bear with us. With the upgrade we've been able to increase some slots on some servers and expect some more servers appearing soon! We've also worked on making sure Zombie doesn't crash so often - time will tell but fingers crossed.

Just for your information, obviously the donations will be spread across several months in some cases. This ensures we can stay afloat in the future by spreading the costs. So we will work on £4 per month from the donations. If you have put in £12 that will count towards three months of server payment which is fantastic. Of course, this will be hard to reflect in the thermometer so some months, like this month, it will have reached the top (and we've never seen that before!!). Other months it will probably appear less! As always, regular donations will help us to continue our servers and build upon them, as well as providing some other things down the line, so please help where you can.

If you play mainly on one server or another, perhaps you aren't aware of some of the other mods/servers we run or how they work! So below is a very short and crude breakdown of each server and mod to give you a flavour of its gameplay. Don't forget, if you are an admin, watcher, donator or community member, your rights extend to all our servers. And, at the end of the day, if you are unable to donate, the next best thing is to be playing on our servers and helping to big them up and get TWKgaming known as THE gaming place to hangout. Sometimes, it only takes a few people ten minutes on an empty server to help to start it fill.

If you are a regular on one of our servers, why not check out some of the other gameplay mods? A competition is around the corner that will take place on a number of our servers and mods ....

So, with out further ado, here is our current line up ...

Welcome to TWK!

Latest Message: 1 month ago
  • Tunes : twkgaming site migrated to a new machine :D Yes, i'm still alive, how many of you stil come around here?
  • samhopper99 : 1.5 years since the last message :,(
  • gracielynn : I got hit with a wave with nostalgia and found myself here, I hope everyone is doing well, its been awhile .. like almost a decade ha.. well, until I wander here again, peace
  • Vandricko : Im back, the old good Vandricko, some off the old good guys here? Me and syver still playing, with the twk tag
  • Tunes : Badumm tssss :D
  • Tunes : Yeah baby yeah!
  • Pooky : Haha, So happy to see this site is still running!! I've still got all the Css scripts on my back-up Drive. Say Aye and it can all be back Wink
  • liger : post your nicknames in the forum
  • liger : you say IF, I say WHEN
  • Chifilly : o/
  • Deathkitten : I WILL I WILL COME BACK!
  • reacT : Legit question: If aspects of TWK were revived, who would come back?
  • liger : TWK pwned so much, everyone died
  • eeverhart : Wow came back on here and so many people I remember from the old TWK server it sure has been a while
  • gracielynn : Still think it will come back eventually?
  • Tunes : but the community sure did a bit Sad... or a lot...
  • Tunes : Not everyone has died :D
  • liger : only the leet ones are still here.
  • gracielynn : It seems that everyone has died
  • MrBombe7 : To yall old TWK players, if there is anyone of you who might want to play either Minecraft or something else again, contact me on Steam, ID: Girithien
  • Tunes : Yes, I'm still alive
  • Tunes : BOOM HEADSHOT :D
  • samhopper99 : oh my god. There are so many names I remember here from like 5 years ago haha.
  • Pooky : Happy Holdays Ya'll! Wink
  • Tunes : Geesh, I keep this machines running everyday, but really don't come here that often, nice to see one or two logins a day still Smile
  • gracielynn : Long time no see O_O
  • gracielynn : ...
  • Ronzku : oh dem memories Crying or Very Sad
  • M3ntoz : o/
  • Che ken : and if you don't have me added... ADD ME (thecheken avatar is the old yin yang symbol)

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