Sunday, September 01, 2024
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LOL, hear u. My wife is like "hm hm, ok, just do a resume of it please!" LOL
Friday, 05 December 2008 14:35
Wonder if its us geeks who keeps the girls away from the things we like because we are so exited and its too overwhelming for them? They ask us a simple question and they get lecture about the subject instead of just answering the question? I know its the idiots who keept them away from gaming for so long but just wondering Wink
Friday, 05 December 2008 11:56
Che ken
well my first point that makes us geeks: Being so good looking made us geeks instead of nerds. A geek is someone who gets really overexcited about the things other people may consider tragic, uninteresting, or completely irrelevant. Well, we look at the geek, and we see someone who cares, someone who has a passion for their environment and a desire to change things for the better. We spend our spare time role playing, playing magic card games, video games or World of Warcraft.

and one thing on my mind... The internet fridge is a great idea, just give it time!
Thursday, 04 December 2008 15:47
I think being a geek is about wanting to know how things work and finding complex simulations (such as tabletop games) fascinating because of the immersion and involvement with the game world.

I personally more enjoy programming, the innards of computers and things like optimising an OS to a specific piece of hardware through custom kernel compiling and other modifications. It's all part of the same thing, just exploring possibilites and expanding knowledge in search of cool stuff.
Thursday, 04 December 2008 15:22
Ohhh I used to paint Warhammer figures too mate, had an huge army of skaven (well it was huge as they cost near to nothing and numbers is what makes them strong)

Also roleplay ftw! Used to play a lot of MERP (Middle Earth Role Play). Dont even want to try WOW as I know i could get too addicted and if I dont have a life now, then I woudn't have one at all :D


Thursday, 04 December 2008 11:07