Sunday, September 01, 2024

TWKgaming blog

TWKgaming blog
Sep 09

IT'S BACK!! CSS#1 | WCS Orangebox

Posted by DreamState in WCS , Warcraft , Valve , Upgrade , Servers , CSS , Community


Ok, so we all know the story - Valve updated CS:S and a lot of things pretty much died, one of the big ones being the WarCraft mod.

Lucky for us Pooky has been working tirelessly on pulling our server from the grave. It's still going to take a lot of time to get things back as fully as they were - in particular the large amount of races, etc.

But what he has achieved so far is something of a rarity atm - a functioning WCS server WITH effects WITH sounds WITH races working as expected!! A lot of thanks is also due to the WCS community itself that has also worked hard to update and re-code for the new CS:S.

So, it's time to start notching up those levels and re-experiencing the WCS mod on the new Orangebox Source. And expect new races to be added fairly regularly!

Check out the new WCSYellingB server @

Jul 07

Community Update! #4

Posted by Gazza in RunKeeper , Robben , KGL , Gaming , CSS , Community


This week has been a week of coders flurrying to to get scripts sorted, The English claiming the only reason they got beat was because the Germans are awesome and Brazilians flooding the streets of Rio de Janeiro with emo tears.

This week also saw the homecoming of competitive counterstrike! To my delight. KGL were the first to launch a tournament since the update. We played in the knock-out stage of the KGL summer cup, with the semi-final of our bracket against [FP] on De_Tuscan, which we won 16-5! The final of the cup, against SOG, was played on de_nuke (one of my favourite maps) and finished 16-13 to us.. So congratulations to Tin, Slab, Greenie, Vapour and Eskimo for bringing it home.

Welcome to TWK!

Latest Message: 1 year, 4 months ago
  • samhopper99 : 1.5 years since the last message :,(
  • gracielynn : I got hit with a wave with nostalgia and found myself here, I hope everyone is doing well, its been awhile .. like almost a decade ha.. well, until I wander here again, peace
  • Vandricko : Im back, the old good Vandricko, some off the old good guys here? Me and syver still playing, with the twk tag
  • Tunes : Badumm tssss :D
  • Tunes : Yeah baby yeah!
  • Pooky : Haha, So happy to see this site is still running!! I've still got all the Css scripts on my back-up Drive. Say Aye and it can all be back Wink
  • liger : post your nicknames in the forum
  • liger : you say IF, I say WHEN
  • Chifilly : o/
  • Deathkitten : I WILL I WILL COME BACK!
  • reacT : Legit question: If aspects of TWK were revived, who would come back?
  • liger : TWK pwned so much, everyone died
  • eeverhart : Wow came back on here and so many people I remember from the old TWK server it sure has been a while
  • gracielynn : Still think it will come back eventually?
  • Tunes : but the community sure did a bit Sad... or a lot...
  • Tunes : Not everyone has died :D
  • liger : only the leet ones are still here.
  • gracielynn : It seems that everyone has died
  • MrBombe7 : To yall old TWK players, if there is anyone of you who might want to play either Minecraft or something else again, contact me on Steam, ID: Girithien
  • Tunes : Yes, I'm still alive
  • Tunes : BOOM HEADSHOT :D
  • samhopper99 : oh my god. There are so many names I remember here from like 5 years ago haha.
  • Pooky : Happy Holdays Ya'll! Wink
  • Tunes : Geesh, I keep this machines running everyday, but really don't come here that often, nice to see one or two logins a day still Smile
  • gracielynn : Long time no see O_O
  • gracielynn : ...
  • Ronzku : oh dem memories Crying or Very Sad
  • M3ntoz : o/
  • Che ken : and if you don't have me added... ADD ME (thecheken avatar is the old yin yang symbol)
  • Che ken : 1 month and 3 days ago? Damn looks like I missed the party Sad and here I am after a few years looking to see if you guys were in the cs:go community at all! If any of you see this get in contact with me on steam, wanna catch up

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