Posted by Gazza in Untagged
Hello again, and first of all I'm going to apologize with the delay of this article. I have been busy – if that is a fitting term – as I was on holiday, being very busy relaxing, and being forced to finish the back garden which I started before going on holiday, but in return here are 2 posts from me, to make up for my fail.
Now what to mention first, Robert Green! and oh yea, the world cup. Being a Scotsman seeing such a performance by the man, completely made my day for anyone who doesn't know what I'm on about watch this. HERE! - Sorry all of you England fan's I hope you understand its my duty as a Scotsman, but in a more serious note, good luck to England, Argentina and Holland in the world cup – As I have money depending on it! Although the world cup means many things to different people;
Gazza: what is your opinion of the world cup?
slaB: I don't giv a damn
slaB: som kys on my kyboad isn't woking atm
Although for commentators its a chance for them to rub the fact that Scotland, Ireland and Wales aren't in the world cup and a chance to blame the manager for every single thing that goes wrong. So are you the same as Slab and are annoyed the world cup is here? - and at the same time paying the price for your most recent emo rage on the keyboard? Or Are you an English fan-boy, let me know!
Within the clan, since my return to keep a watchful eye, things have been going good. We won both EDCSSL, and our KGL matches, comfortably. 18-12 and 24-6 which boosted confidence within the clan. One failure was from me, I decided to live cast the TWK vs ISW game, only to realize that my mic was muted! Everyone point and laugh at the loser who wasted 45 minutes talking to himself. So I apologize about that and will hope to get a live cast up soon – I am also hoping to buy a mic that is half decent to replace the one I have now.
Now this week since my return, I am going to run a small fun competition for anyone within the community. It will be competitive but not being run within a game. It will be a 'Guess the result' competition. It will begin when we get to the knockout stages of the world cup. For full details visit here. Cheers, Gazza