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Welcome to TWK!
Latest Message:2 months, 1 week ago
Tunes : twkgaming site migrated to a new machine :D Yes, i'm still alive, how many of you stil come around here?
samhopper99 : 1.5 years since the last message :,(
gracielynn : I got hit with a wave with nostalgia and found myself here, I hope everyone is doing well, its been awhile .. like almost a decade ha.. well, until I wander here again, peace
Vandricko : Im back, the old good Vandricko, some off the old good guys here? Me and syver still playing, with the twk tag
Tunes : Badumm tssss :D
Tunes : Yeah baby yeah!
Pooky : Haha, So happy to see this site is still running!! I've still got all the Css scripts on my back-up Drive. Say Aye and it can all be back
liger : post your nicknames in the forum
liger : you say IF, I say WHEN
Chifilly : o/
Deathkitten : I WILL I WILL COME BACK!
reacT : Legit question: If aspects of TWK were revived, who would come back?
liger : TWK pwned so much, everyone died
eeverhart : Wow came back on here and so many people I remember from the old TWK server it sure has been a while
gracielynn : Still think it will come back eventually?
Tunes : but the community sure did a bit ... or a lot...
Tunes : Not everyone has died :D
liger : only the leet ones are still here.
gracielynn : It seems that everyone has died
MrBombe7 : To yall old TWK players, if there is anyone of you who might want to play either Minecraft or something else again, contact me on Steam, ID: Girithien
Tunes : Yes, I'm still alive
samhopper99 : oh my god. There are so many names I remember here from like 5 years ago haha.
Pooky : Happy Holdays Ya'll!
Tunes : Geesh, I keep this machines running everyday, but really don't come here that often, nice to see one or two logins a day still
gracielynn : Long time no see O_O
gracielynn : ...
Ronzku : oh dem memories
M3ntoz : o/
Che ken : and if you don't have me added... ADD ME (thecheken avatar is the old yin yang symbol)