Nov 24
We've been blown away by the response to the donations thread - and as some of you know, we have our new server!
Thank you very much to everyone who has donated - this ensured that the planned upgrade to our dedicated server has, as of today, been actioned and this should put pay to the lag we currently sometimes experience! Without the donations, this was going to be very hard for us to support, if not impossible.
A huge thanks go to Vogon and Tunes who actually did the server swap which is a large and time consuming job. For the most part, the swap was so smooth you will probably not even notice that anything occurred, although there may be a couple of teething issues over the next few days so please bear with us. With the upgrade we've been able to increase some slots on some servers and expect some more servers appearing soon! We've also worked on making sure Zombie doesn't crash so often - time will tell but fingers crossed.
Just for your information, obviously the donations will be spread across several months in some cases. This ensures we can stay afloat in the future by spreading the costs. So we will work on £4 per month from the donations. If you have put in £12 that will count towards three months of server payment which is fantastic. Of course, this will be hard to reflect in the thermometer so some months, like this month, it will have reached the top (and we've never seen that before!!). Other months it will probably appear less! As always, regular donations will help us to continue our servers and build upon them, as well as providing some other things down the line, so please help where you can.
If you play mainly on one server or another, perhaps you aren't aware of some of the other mods/servers we run or how they work! So below is a very short and crude breakdown of each server and mod to give you a flavour of its gameplay. Don't forget, if you are an admin, watcher, donator or community member, your rights extend to all our servers. And, at the end of the day, if you are unable to donate, the next best thing is to be playing on our servers and helping to big them up and get TWKgaming known as THE gaming place to hangout. Sometimes, it only takes a few people ten minutes on an empty server to help to start it fill.
If you are a regular on one of our servers, why not check out some of the other gameplay mods? A competition is around the corner that will take place on a number of our servers and mods ....
So, with out further ado, here is our current line up ... @ CSS#1 | Warcraft:Source-Exp Saved [HLSTATSCE]
I would imagine a fair few of the website users are from the WCS server. A crazy, strange and interesting mod of levelling and WarCraft style game play where you can choose a race, earn XP, spend skill points for abilities/powerups or buy items to have some effects. Be prepared to see some "weird" things happening when you join this server; people flying around, disappearing into thin air, etc!
Good for: Manic battles of good versus noob.
Map highlights: anticamper, helms_deep_s
Tips: Level up @ CSS#2 | GunGame Mayhem [HLSTATSCE|100Tick]
GunGame is a fast-paced gun-levelling mod. You start with the mighty glock, and each frag gets you the next gun up. Keep going through all the CS:S weapons before the final two levels - knife and nade. It's not an easy mod, but it's a hell of a lot of fun.
Good for: Getting to know all the in-game weapons.
Map highlights: aim_ag_texture_city, gg_shotty_snow, gg_simpsons_glock_tok
Tips: Keep moving.. @ CSS#3 | Deathmatch:Source [HLSTATSCE]
Classic, shoot the other team with your weapon of choice. A menu-system allows you to choose your weapons and have them auto-selected each round or, for the Chuck Norris in you, choose random. When you die you instantly respawn. The first to reach the fraglimit wins. Pretty simple mod really. The server is set up to limit certains maps to certain weapons.
Good for: Improving aim on specific weapons.
Map highlights: glass_war (pistols only), awp_crazyjump2007 (awps only), scoutzknivez3 (scouts and knives)
Tips: Watch out for awp campers.. @ CSS#4 | 24/7 DUST 2 ONLY [HLSTATSCE|100Tick]
The classic Source gameplay setup on THE classic CS:S map. Configuration is based on the current official EnemyDown configs. It you want vanilla source, this is where it's at - the server that sorts the men from the boys...
Good for: Practicing for skrims or playing source as it was intended.
Map highlights: de_dust2 (ofc)
Tips: Teamwork, teamwork, teamwork... @ CSS#5 | Surf_Deathmatch [HLSTATSCE]
Surfing is fun, and if you can do it while firing guns even better. Slide along the map surfaces and then fling yourself into the air and onto a new section, pull out your awp, and pick them off. Just watch your back...
Good for: Learning to surf.
Map highlights: surf_skyworld
Tips: If you want to learn to surf, ask one of our admins @ CSS#6 | Zombie Escape! [HLSTATSCE]
The latest addition to our server list and a massive amount of fun. Start the map as humans and then RUN. Thirty seconds in zombies will be chosen at random to chase the humans and knife them. The objective as humans is to escape, the objective as zombies ... well I'm sure you can guess.
Good for: Pure lols.
Map highlights: ze_stargate_escape_v7
Tips: Don't stop running.... @ TF2#1 | Payload 24/7 - Fast-respawn [HLSTATSCE]
TF2, what else to say? One of the most funny FPS ever. This one only has Payload type maps where the aim is to push a bomb into the enemy base or defend the base from the enemy.
Good for: Great all-round gameplay and lots of stuff to achieve
Tips: First its called TEAM Fortress for a reason. Second, watch your back for: Spies, Snipers, Pyro's, Demomans, Heavies+Medics, Engineer turrets... Well, basically watch your back!
Some map highlights: Has to be pl_badwater @ HL2#1 | Hidden:Source [HLSTATSCE]
Hidden is an excellent HL2 conversion where your aim is either to catch the Hidden (an almost invisible mutant that can only use a knife played by one player) or be him. The server switches players so everyone will get to be either one.
Good for: That horrifying feeling of impotence against something you dont understand
Tips: Keep together and grow eyes on your backs...
See you on the servers