Tonight a friend messaged me on steam saying that he didn't want to play on the server anymore. The reason he doesn't want to play on our servers anymore is because he is constantly insulted and shouted at because of his skills; he gets yelled at for playing maxed races when half the people out there do it constantly; he doesn't want to be a problem to people anymore which is fair enough and he shouldn't be when he plays our our servers. He is very good at the game and people have reported him for hacking on the forums, i believe that he doesn't hack and that he plays fairly. tbh people can have their opinions, but i think people who voice them on our servers should be told off for it and warned by admins.
These are the messages he sent to me earlier:
Anonymous: i aint gonna play on old server anyymore

Substick: wat twk?
Substick: why?
Anonymous: cause each time i join, problems will be
Substick: pfft
Substick: one sec im gonna sort this out
Anonymous: because people cant handle to lose....
Substick: did this jsut happen?
Anonymous: nope, was just thinking about it
Substick: u shouldnt have to think about ti
Substick: u should be able to play the server
Substick: without people being dicks
Anonymous: well you and i, know that aint gonna be so....
Substick: it will be
Anonymous: it wont trust me
Anonymous: if they aint complaining about max races, they are about wh or somw dumb shit....
Anonymous: i had my own server for like 3 years thats why i know whats going on
Anonymous: people just dont understand that you know +
I've left his name out for now but i'm sure people will know who he is.
The other thing is that it isn't just random people who complain, people from this community have done it, some worse than others and i think that people should be warned for pretty much forcing somebody of the server just because they are good a are a high level.
I just thought i would let you know about this so you can ponder over this and decide whether it is right or wrong for people to do this, because i definitely don't think this is right.
Yes he is my friend but still, this is losing players who a dedicated to the server and go on it regularly so please think about what i said.
One last thing is that i'm sure this wouldn't have been so bad if admins were a bit more active

I understand that a lot have exams but some of the ones who don't should try be more active to stop these things from happening.
sorry for the wall of text