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Certain things about people on the server Sad :u:
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TOPIC: Certain things about people on the server Sad :u:

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Certain things about people on the server Sad :u: 13 years, 9 months ago #23063

  • substick
  • Official TWK Admin
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Tonight a friend messaged me on steam saying that he didn't want to play on the server anymore. The reason he doesn't want to play on our servers anymore is because he is constantly insulted and shouted at because of his skills; he gets yelled at for playing maxed races when half the people out there do it constantly; he doesn't want to be a problem to people anymore which is fair enough and he shouldn't be when he plays our our servers. He is very good at the game and people have reported him for hacking on the forums, i believe that he doesn't hack and that he plays fairly. tbh people can have their opinions, but i think people who voice them on our servers should be told off for it and warned by admins.

These are the messages he sent to me earlier:

Anonymous: i aint gonna play on old server anyymore
Substick: wat twk?
Substick: why?
Anonymous: cause each time i join, problems will be
Substick: pfft
Substick: one sec im gonna sort this out
Anonymous: because people cant handle to lose....
Substick: did this jsut happen?
Anonymous: nope, was just thinking about it
Substick: u shouldnt have to think about ti
Substick: u should be able to play the server
Substick: without people being dicks
Anonymous: well you and i, know that aint gonna be so....
Substick: it will be
Anonymous: it wont trust me
Anonymous: if they aint complaining about max races, they are about wh or somw dumb shit....
Anonymous: i had my own server for like 3 years thats why i know whats going on
Anonymous: people just dont understand that you know +

I've left his name out for now but i'm sure people will know who he is.

The other thing is that it isn't just random people who complain, people from this community have done it, some worse than others and i think that people should be warned for pretty much forcing somebody of the server just because they are good a are a high level.

I just thought i would let you know about this so you can ponder over this and decide whether it is right or wrong for people to do this, because i definitely don't think this is right.

Yes he is my friend but still, this is losing players who a dedicated to the server and go on it regularly so please think about what i said.

One last thing is that i'm sure this wouldn't have been so bad if admins were a bit more active I understand that a lot have exams but some of the ones who don't should try be more active to stop these things from happening.


sorry for the wall of text


The following user(s) said Thank You: colin1uk

Re: Certain things about people on the server Sad :u: 13 years, 9 months ago #23066

  • Gimp
  • Official TWK Admin
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agree with ya there, but you can see how a very good css player playing an overpowered race would equal absolute rapage and thats no fun for anyone, i leave the server when those people r on mainly. but its wrong to abuse for skills, i like to tell the nubs to shut it when they accuse someone of hacking, or if i suspect it too make a mini demo an review

Re: Certain things about people on the server Sad :u: 13 years, 9 months ago #23073

  • colin1uk
  • Official TWK Admin
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tbh , Ive noticed this a few times when Ive visited the wcs server , its getting a bit out of order tbh , sometimes i stick hlsw and just have a quick look and i see alot of flaming etc , personally i think its about time that some players try acting a bit more mature , otherwise they might not like what will happen to them.

BTW this is aimed at all players who play on our servers , members and players alike , just cos you don't see us doesn't mean we cant see whats happening .

things have to change or we will act accordingly , no player/member is bigger than our servers plz remember this the next time you feel like giving someone grief .

a post from April please take notice this time.

may i remind players of one of our rules.

TWK general rules for all members (community, clan and admin)

The bottom line is that TWK is intended to be friendly community that run friendly servers and therefore exhibit friendly behaviour.

There are certain things that are expected from all members of the community/clan. Thus we have the rules of TWK, which will no doubt be updated and altered as time goes on.

General rules of conduct for public servers and website

No abusive behaviour toward anyone is permitted.
No cheating of any sort.
No overuse of any admin rights on the servers.
No rudeness toward new or regular players on any of our servers or on others - you are wearing our tag.

Community members rights, particularly map changes

have fun guys , thats whats its all about.

!! snake you ruined my life , i was only testing the hack !!,flacherke

Re: Certain things about people on the server Sad :u: 13 years, 9 months ago #23117

Wcs is about gaining and uses races to your advantage tough if he has maxed a race for others who havent (also the higher level he is with 1 race the more exp they get from killing him).

So if you see anyone bitching about it tell them, they can played a maxed race to, if they still moan tell them to make a post on the forums regarding the issue and ill slap them to tunes house of pain and back.

Re: Certain things about people on the server Sad :u: 13 years, 9 months ago #23120

  • NEZ
  • Gold Boarder
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tunes house of pain counds painful

can you give me an in depth description of it?

Re: Certain things about people on the server Sad :u: 13 years, 9 months ago #23128

  • Pooky
  • Official TWK Admin
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Ow shut up Nez

I'm too busy with exams now to do anything, sorry guys

Re: Certain things about people on the server Sad :u: 13 years, 9 months ago #23139

  • Supa
  • Platinum Boarder
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I think this should be very easy. If noticed this happens give warning to the player/member nextime remove from community and if it keeps going remove from server. Problem solved

People should act indeed more maturely.

There will be always someone better then you or plays a better race then you. Only thing you can do is deal with it and try to get better or better races or do something else and join up later when that person is gone, if you can't handle it.

Re: Certain things about people on the server Sad :u: 13 years, 8 months ago #23204

  • Mr.Moo
  • Platinum Boarder
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If I see players/members flaming or acting out of order they shall be dealt with like anyone else, a polite warning, a severe warning, then punished dependant on behaviour.

We won't condone bad behaviour and we won't condone players giving grief.

People need to understand, some people sit on our server for 4-5 hours a day levelling up, if another person doesn't like it, they can just start being more active.

I admit, the first few days is abit poo when your new to wcs because most people are a high level, but as you are all well aware, it doesn't take long to level up, and if your a nice guy we do randomly give 1 level out dependant on the communities behaviour.

As I'm moving house I'm a tad busy, but I'll still be coming onto the forums and HLSW.

Pooky: Could you make your topic titles more specific next time please ? I thought this was about CSS.
Mentoz: It's in the Minecraft thread...
Pooky: Balls D:

Pooky Failed.

Re: Certain things about people on the server Sad :u: 13 years, 8 months ago #23208

  • Liquid Snake
Supa wrote:
I think this should be very easy. If noticed this happens give warning to the player/member nextime remove from community and if it keeps going remove from server. Problem solved

People should act indeed more maturely.

There will be always someone better then you or plays a better race then you. Only thing you can do is deal with it and try to get better or better races or do something else and join up later when that person is gone, if you can't handle it.

u meant to say supa there will always be a asian kid better then you

i see how it can piss people off i mean i used to be like that , but i learned from my mistakes and when you get annoyed at someone who just plays really good just sit in spectate and wait a while to relax..
Also if a person plays a overpowered race just ask them politely if they could change their race and dont start to bitch about it if they say no, we can all play the races that are on the wcs except for when colin goes fire scout and rapes us all but thats a different story .

and dont forget playing a maxed out race isnt agains the rules and it even profits you.. the higher the level of your enemy the more xp you get from him so i dont see why people complain about using high level races as it benefits them the most, its not like you get extra skill when you are lvl 80 on hermes it just benefits your enemy thats it
Last Edit: 13 years, 8 months ago by .

Re: Certain things about people on the server Sad :u: 13 years, 8 months ago #23209

  • substick
  • Official TWK Admin
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Liquid Snake wrote:
u meant to say supa there will always be a asian kid better then you

Thats kinda racist is it not

and yes I agree with what Liquid says

Last Edit: 13 years, 8 months ago by substick.
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