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A solution to disappearing skins
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TOPIC: A solution to disappearing skins

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A solution to disappearing skins 13 years, 9 months ago #23070

  • Chifilly
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As some of you may know, and probably had happen to you, if you join a different server after being on the TWK server (or a different TWK server for that matter), the skins seem to disappear and you get huge "ERROR"'s as people.
An easy solution would be to go into your cstrike folder and delete the relevant folders so the textures could be re-downloaded. Well I have made a program (out of boredom) that does the deleting for you, but also gives you the option of adding your own folders to the list to be deleted (if there's persistant files you want to be removed).

Because this was made quickly, it only supports folders without sub-folders to be deleted (due to the way deleting works in Visual Basic), and any sub-folders that you want deleting need to be before the root folder in the list (as it deletes items in the file line by line). Also, it doesn't support deleting from a different drive other than the default one at the moment. I might update it if people want me to. The file has the folders for deleting the TWKGaming's skins by default, so no need to go searching for the right folders or anything

It also has a brief description about, and a link to, the TWKGaming website (might release it publically so that would be good for the TWKGaming community).

So, if you want to give it a try, here's the link (LINKAGE OF AWESOMENESSNESS... NESS). It's an link, because me wants monies

Just so you know, it has no sneaky little secrets of virus' or anything. If you don't trust me, don't download it. Simple

Let me know of any bugs and... shizz
Last Edit: 13 years, 7 months ago by Chifilly.

Re: A solution to disappearing skins 13 years, 9 months ago #23074

  • Gimp
  • Official TWK Admin
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after downloading this my face fell off...then my cat exploded...then jesus respawned and punched me in my faceless face. have any similar side effects happened to u from downloading this?
Last Edit: 13 years, 9 months ago by Gimp.

Re: A solution to disappearing skins 13 years, 9 months ago #23075

  • colin1uk
  • Official TWK Admin
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nice work there m8 , BTW whys it asking for my bank details.

!! snake you ruined my life , i was only testing the hack !!,flacherke

Re: A solution to disappearing skins 13 years, 9 months ago #23076

  • Chifilly
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Sorry guys. I forgot to tell you that I programmed in my killer dolphin called Jimmy that lives in a paddling pool in my back garden, that likes to do some crazy stuff that steals bank details, and from what Gimp said, defy the laws of Physics xD

EDIT: Just seen this got magically posted to Facebook
Last Edit: 13 years, 9 months ago by Chifilly.

Re: A solution to disappearing skins 13 years, 9 months ago #23077

  • Gimp
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 1157
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physics was very much in denial here, ive been floating for hours

Re: A solution to disappearing skins 13 years, 9 months ago #23078

  • colin1uk
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 1026
  • Karma: 43
i just figured out why you want the bank details , its so you can afford more hallucinogenic drugs.

!! snake you ruined my life , i was only testing the hack !!,flacherke

Re: A solution to disappearing skins 13 years, 9 months ago #23079

  • Chifilly
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Sorry Gimp. I was unable to find a solution for the floating. It might wear off in a few years
And damn, you figured me out colin xD

Re: A solution to disappearing skins 13 years, 9 months ago #23080

  • Gimp
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 1157
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meh, you get used to it, atleast jesus cant hit me again, him n moses r across the room givin me the evil floaty glare

Re: A solution to disappearing skins 13 years, 9 months ago #23081

  • Chifilly
  • Official TWK Admin
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Well Jesus is Jesus, so he can do pretty much anything he likes, so he will be able to punch you when he figures out a way to
You're safe from Moses though, unless he has any secret super powers :S

Re: A solution to disappearing skins 13 years, 9 months ago #23082

  • Gimp
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 1157
  • Karma: 25
moses has the amazing superpower of moving water and some say he can also fire lasers from his eyes that turn baby rabbits into...ADULT RABBITS!!! dumdumduuuuummmmmm, what a monster. an well jesus floated off mumbling something about how he hates ques and how hes going to murder all ques or something, guy really doesnt like waiting in line for stuff it would seem
Moderators: Chifilly, VooDoo, iMattR
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