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TOPIC: Grievance!

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Grievance! 13 years, 8 months ago #23710

  • Scathe
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Hi Guys,

I couldnt find a section to post this so its going here!

It is with regret that I am having to write this, as I was not aware any member of twk was capable of actually causing upset to myself or my family, however....

At 11am this morning I was in game on De_Dust with a few others, wicky, myself, dannydeath and a twk member ^5//FgZ//^3Noobgameon. As im sure you are all aware, bomb maps require cts to guard and prevent t's planting at bombsites. I was playing on the same team as ^5//FgZ//^3Noobgameon as terrorists, Dannydeath and wicky were both cts.

For those of you who do not know, DannyDeath is my step son and we often play on the twk servers together. I know that everyone can get frustrated in game when getting killed, I myself will admit to losing my cool on occasion.

What followed however I feel is inexcusable! ^5//FgZ//^3Noobgameon was rushing to a bombsite and DannyDeath managed to kill him. Now Dan was doing his job as a ct and defending the objective, plus we were only about 15-20 seconds into the round if that so I dont think he was camping in the 1st place. ^5//FgZ//^3Noobgameon in his rage spouted out over the mic "Oh my god DannyDeath you noob, you better stop camping you noob, or I will come and rape your mum"! ! ! ! !

Now... there are children that come and play on twk servers, and that sort of behaviour is disgusting even if you lose your temper. Of course hearing this I was absolutely furious, and I told him DannyDeath is my step son and you are refering to my wife and to watch his disgusting F'kin mouth.

While he has later apologised to myself about it... With still being rather upset about the matter, this also upsetting my step son and still in shock of it actually taking place. I am writing here because I feel something should be said and done. Any individual, let alone a community/clan representing member in my eyes should never display this behaviour "anywhere" fullstop.

I appreciate your attention in this matter, and I will leave it in your capable hands.


Re: Grievance! 13 years, 8 months ago #23711

  • masteraviv13
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Scathe you are absolutely right,
i regret much i said it, and i appologized already to danny,
i was upset, angry cause of the camping, while i shouldn't.
i should try to keep my (angry) emotions under controle,
and wath i said, I didn't mean that, it was a snapshot, which i wasn't thinking of my language,
but i did it in chat, but now also here, Danny and Scathe, my apologises to you,
i hope you can forgive me
And ofcourse i understand that the twk-lead, won't tolerate this bad behavior,
And i will accept the possible punishment.

- Rise and rise again, untill the lambs become lions -

>>.Noobgameon aka 1shot2kills stylez.<<

The cake is a lie!

Re: Grievance! 13 years, 8 months ago #23712

  • Tunes
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masteraviv13 wrote:

Scathe you are absolutely right,
i regret much i said it, and i appologized already to danny,
i was upset, angry cause of the camping, while i shouldn't.
i should try to keep my (angry) emotions under controle,
and wath i said, I didn't mean that, it was a snapshot, which i wasn't thinking of my language,
but i did it in chat, but now also here, Danny and Scathe, my apologises to you,
i hope you can forgive me
And ofcourse i understand that the twk-lead, won't tolerate this bad behavior,
And i will accept the possible punishment.


Lets say you were man enough to come here and apologize (most don't), for me it counts a lot, I won't push any punishment on this, as it stands as a warning, next time, get yourself under control, its only a game man, only a game, no need to rape anyone for it.

Re: Grievance! 13 years, 8 months ago #23713

  • masteraviv13
  • Gold Boarder
  • hay every1, TWK x3
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Yes indeed,
it's only a game but i must say, honestly i forget it sometimes ,
and i will keep myself under controle next time

mvg Noobgameon
- Rise and rise again, untill the lambs become lions -

>>.Noobgameon aka 1shot2kills stylez.<<

The cake is a lie!

Re: Grievance! 13 years, 8 months ago #23714

  • deN
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This should kind of language, and insulting because of a game should not be acceptable at all!

Even if CS:S is set to fit for 16 yr kids and older, there are alot more ppl way down to 10 yr and probably lower that play, and in this case, i've been told that DannyDeath is younger than 16 and if some player told me that i was a noob for killing him, and he would rape my mum, i would have been pretty afraid for both my mum and myself, and if it was my son that was told that he was going to rape his mum/my wife, i would have lost it. this kind of language is inappropriate in every kind of way!

I hope the admins will discuss this case, as it is between a twk member, and two respected and active players on our server.

- Reality
Waltz: srsly i got all but the last checkpoint and all other ones i got all check points im the best

Re: Grievance! 13 years, 8 months ago #23715

  • Gimp
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everyone looses their cool every once n a while, although yes it was very wrong and insulting, but i dont think its that big a deal as its not like he does this regularly an he apologized.

Re: Grievance! 13 years, 8 months ago #23718

  • Liquid Snake
i disagree with you gimp it is a big deal, sure everybody rages at times (hell im probly one of the worst )

However if there's one thing i would never do is insult someones family!

I find that actions must be taken against such behaviour because in my opinion this is just as bad as racism sure he apologized and said he doesnt mean it.. i mean so what ? i dont shoot people in the nuts irl say im sorry and things are just fine thats not how things work out

ive read another thread about voodoo being concerned about the server coz of the low activity on the wcs server, i think this would be one of the MAJOR reason people leave.. i mean we are a community right? (again that you say stuff like screw you and rage once in a while is just fine happens to the best of us although we all know its just a game. it gets to you simply coz you had something in your personal life wich has been bothering you wether you know it or not this is usually the case for someone raging) we already lost one of our members would behaviour like this be accepted and lose another one?

half of my friendlist is annoyed about how things have been going with the behaviour of certain people, hell ill be the first to admit my behaviour isnt always the best , but im talking about *kids* disrespecting everything and everybody on the server and appropriate action should be taken against this sort of behaviour or we will lose even more players over time...
and im pretty sure nobody would like that to happen

Greets, Ekitai Hebi.

Re: Grievance! 13 years, 8 months ago #23720

  • VooDoo
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I am very concerned about this situation, i do hope that the individual (NoobGameon) gets punished adequately, i think what he said was very unnacceptable and nobody's son nor the father should have to hear it.

I think that this situation is more than just a little bit of raging, threatening people with rape etc is a thing we will have to face, this kind of thing is what is making our most valuable members quit playing TWK, scathe is saying he does not want to play on the TWK servers not only because of this but a few other problems, this one being the worst.. I have thought about this situation and I think it should be resolved with some form of punishment.

Last Edit: 13 years, 8 months ago by VooDoo.

Re: Grievance! 13 years, 8 months ago #23722

  • liger
  • Official TWK Admin
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wow really?

Never mind the fact that the behavior like that is unacceptable and most of the time will lead to temp ban. But rage-offense on the internet can and does get A LOT WORSE. At this point as a parent you either decide im not letting my child play game x coz something like this CAN happen (lets get real, no admin can stop this from happening beforehand) or if your child gets upset about this (and i mean like takes it seriously and all) you should educate that internet is "serious business" and nothing is real here.

I know it seems like im defending the standpoint of an asshole here, but if u gonna let him play games with unrestricted voice you should be sure he can "handle" it.

Last Edit: 13 years, 8 months ago by liger.

Re: Grievance! 13 years, 8 months ago #23723

  • colin1uk
  • Official TWK Admin
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thanks for bringing this to our attention scathe , and i can only offer our apologies for whats been said to you and your step son , this is totally unacceptable behaviour by not just a player but also a member of twk.
if i had of been on the server at the time it would have been an instant ban with no warning , i have posted numerous times about members behaviour and our rules of conduct etc.

the only thing thats going in Noobgameon's favour is his quick apology which i think is sincere.

we shall have a chat about this with other admins and see what punishment will be incurred .

we will get back to both parties involved about this.

scathe plz add me on steam .

PS will all players , community or members plz be aware zero tolerance will be applied now as this has gone on long enough with a lot of warnings being put up on the forums.

thanks colin

!! snake you ruined my life , i was only testing the hack !!,flacherke
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