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Nightstalker , my very first race! :D
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TOPIC: Nightstalker , my very first race! :D

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Nightstalker , my very first race! :D 13 years, 8 months ago #23922

  • Liquid Snake
well i cant stay behind the rest ive been working on how to script races for a while now and decided to work on my first race its finished although i havnt been able to test it just yet..

   #Requirement section
   required           = 1750
   maximum            = 0

   #Restrict section
   restrictmap        = ""
   restrictteam       = 0
   restrictitem       = "Tome of Health|Orb of Frost"
   teamlimit          = 0

   #Other info
   author             = "Ekitai Hebi ^^, Liquid Snake"
   desc               = "Ambush from the shadows"
   spawncmd           = ""
   deathcmd           = ""
   roundstartcmd      = ""
   roundendcmd        = ""
   preloadcmd         = ""
   allowonly          = ""
   onchange           = ""

   #Skill information
   numberofskills     = 5
   numberoflevels     = 8
   skillnames         = "Cloak Of Night|Light Weight|Lightning Reflexes|Poisoned Beetles|Shadowstep"
   skilldescr         = "Your wolf like senses make you partially invisible, 10-50%|Decreases your gravity|Running through the night has paid off increasing your speed|Poisoned Beetles unleash fury upon your enemies|You teleport within a split second"
   skillcfg           = "player_spawn|player_spawn|player_spawn|player_attacker|player_ultimate"
   skillneeded        = "0|0|0|0|10"

   #Skill specific information
      setting        = "es_xset wcs_invis 15|es_xset wcs_invis 20|es_xset wcs_invis 25|es_xset wcs_invis 35|es_xset wcs_invis 40|es_xset wcs_invis 45|es_xset wcs_invis 50|es_xset wcs_invis 55"
      cmd            = "es wcs_setfx invisp event_var(userid) = server_var(wcs_invis) 0;es wcs_xtell event_var(userid) r_invisibility"
      sfx            = ""

      setting        = "es_xset wcs_gravity 0.97|es_xset wcs_gravity 0.94|es_xset wcs_gravity 0.90|es_xset wcs_gravity 0.86|es_xset wcs_gravity 0.82|es_xset wcs_gravity 0.78|es_xset wcs_gravity 0.74|es_xset wcs_gravity 0.60"
      cmd            = "es wcs_setfx gravity event_var(userid) = server_var(wcs_gravity) 0;es wcs_xtell event_var(userid) r_levitation"
      sfx            = ""

      setting        = "es_xset wcs_speed 1.20|es_xset wcs_speed 1.25|es_xset wcs_speed 1.30|es_xset wcs_speed 1.35|es_xset wcs_speed 1.40|es_xset wcs_speed 1.45|es_xset wcs_speed 1.55|es_xset wcs_speed 1.60"
      cmd            = "es wcs_setfx speed event_var(userid) = server_var(wcs_speed) 0;es wcs_xtell event_var(userid) r_unholy"
      sfx            = ""

      setting        = "es_xset wcs_chance 17;es_xset wcs_dmg 5|es_xset wcs_chance 20;es_xset wcs_dmg 8|es_xset wcs_chance 24;es_xset wcs_dmg 11|es_xset wcs_chance 27;es_xset wcs_dmg 13|es_xset wcs_chance 30;es_xset wcs_dmg 15|es_xset wcs_chance 34;es_xset wcs_dmg 15|es_xset wcs_chance 38;es_xset wcs_dmg 15|es_xset wcs_chance 42;es_xset wcs_dmg 15"
      racealias_ns   = "es wcs damage event_var(userid) event_var(attacker) server_var(wcs_dmg);es wcs_xtell event_var(attacker) r_beetles attacker event_var(es_attackername) victim event_var(es_username) damage server_var(wcs_dmg);es wcs_xtell event_var(userid) r_beetles attacker event_var(es_attackername) victim event_var(es_username) damage server_var(wcs_dmg)"
     #cmd            = "if (server_var(wcs_dice) <= server_var(wcs_chance)) then wcsx get isdead wcs_dead event_var(userid);if (server_var(wcs_dice) <= server_var(wcs_chance)) then es_xif (server_var(wcs_dead) = 0) then wcs_xalias racealias_ns"
      cmd            = "if (server_var(wcs_dice) <= server_var(wcs_chance)) then es_xif (event_var(es_userdead) = 0) then wcs_xalias racealias_ns"
      sfx            = "es_getplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 event_var(userid);es_getplayerlocation wcs_x2 wcs_y2 wcs_z2 event_var(attacker);es_math wcs_z1 + 40; es_math wcs_z2 + 40; es est_effect 3 #a 0 cs_havana/metalgear001a.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) server_var(wcs_x2) server_var(wcs_y2) server_var(wcs_z2) 3 5 4 255 15 15 255; wcs_xalias racealias_ns"
      setting        = "es_xset wcs_range 600;es_xset wcs_fadetimer 1|es_xset wcs_range 660;es_xset wcs_fadetimer 0.9|es_xset wcs_range 720;es_xset wcs_fadetimer 0.8|es_xset wcs_range 780;es_xset wcs_fadetimer 0.7|es_xset wcs_range 840;es_xset wcs_fadetimer 0.6|es_xset wcs_range 920;es_xset wcs_fadetimer 0.5|es_xset wcs_range 1000;es_xset wcs_fadetimer 0.5|es_xset wcs_range 1080;es_xset wcs_fadetimer 0.5"
      cmd            = "es_xdoblock wcs/tools/ultimates/default/wcs_ulti_teleport"
      sfx            = ""
      cooldown       = "10|9|8|7|6|5|4|3"

well here ya go , would also like someone experienced to look at it for any flaws

added a short testing video it doesnt have the sfx in yet just to prevent any errors it may cause
tested it on my own version of wcs, thanks for the help with setting this up pooky !

Last Edit: 13 years, 7 months ago by .

Re: Nightstalker , my very first race! :D 13 years, 8 months ago #23923

  • masteraviv13
  • Gold Boarder
  • hay every1, TWK x3
  • Posts: 182
  • Karma: 1
wel done m8!!
hopefully, can be tested togheter with my races? >

mvg Noobgameon
- Rise and rise again, untill the lambs become lions -

>>.Noobgameon aka 1shot2kills stylez.<<

The cake is a lie!

Re: Nightstalker , my very first race! :D 13 years, 8 months ago #23925

  • Grim4118
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 207
  • Karma: 0
i need to test some races ive made ^^ they took quite a while lol

Re: Nightstalker , my very first race! :D 13 years, 8 months ago #23927

  • Liquid Snake
grim all i could do for you is test them myself i got a working copy of a wcs mod but its only working local

Re: Nightstalker , my very first race! :D 13 years, 8 months ago #23928

  • Grim4118
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 207
  • Karma: 0
really? would u mind sending me a link so i could download it?? if u could that would be great

Re: Nightstalker , my very first race! :D 13 years, 8 months ago #23929

  • Liquid Snake
i can do that but i cant do it right now thou i might be able to do it a bit later tonight as i need to upload it to a filesharing website and my internet is completely crap when it comes to uploading xD
but in the meantime you can try it yourself if you want;sa=view;down=23

there ya go

Re: Nightstalker , my very first race! :D 13 years, 8 months ago #23934

  • M3ntoz
  • Administrator
  • Freshmaker!
  • Posts: 1180
  • Karma: 41
80% invisible = overpowered

*stopped looking any further.

PS: using a empty alias without placing it in any other command sentence is useless.
Mr.Moo: Damn, Mentoz beat me to it -.-

Last Edit: 13 years, 8 months ago by M3ntoz.

Re: Nightstalker , my very first race! :D 13 years, 8 months ago #23937

  • Supa
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Hug me!
  • Posts: 361
  • Karma: 7
I guess it sill needs some work but you"ll get there

Congratz with your first race

Re: Nightstalker , my very first race! :D 13 years, 8 months ago #23940

  • Liquid Snake
yeh i still need to test everything out m3ntoz so didnt have the chance yet,

and thanks for the positive comment supa

Re: Nightstalker , my very first race! :D 13 years, 8 months ago #23995

  • Liquid Snake
updated the original post with a short testing vid to give people a general idea of what the race is like
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