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EVERY1 Post your RACE HERE!!!
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EVERY1 Post your RACE HERE!!! 13 years, 8 months ago #24013

  • masteraviv13
  • Gold Boarder
  • hay every1, TWK x3
  • Posts: 182
  • Karma: 1
I was looking true the forum and saw,
Forum is getting a mess cause off the races,
So people keep it within 1 TOPIC!
So the Modestrators won't have too much work!

	#Requirement section
	required           = 100
	maximum            = 0

	#Restrict section
	restrictmap        = ""
	restrictteam       = 0
	restrictitem       = "tome of health|scroll of respawning"
        teamlimit          = 1

	#Other info
	author             = "Deaglegameon"
	desc               = "Have luck or Die."
	spawncmd           = ""
	deathcmd           = ""
	roundstartcmd      = ""
	roundendcmd        = ""
	preloadcmd         = ""
	allowonly          = ""
	onchange           = ""

	#Skill information
	numberofskills     = 4
	numberoflevels     = 4
	skillnames         = "threw the dices and get speed and health|Play Roulette and gain money!|You have much money and buy some Paddo|you have the money to buy health"
	skilldescr         = "Get additional health and speed on spawn|get extra money on spawn|levitation (low gravity)|every25secs you can get additional health"
	skillcfg           = "player_spawn|player_spawn|player_spawn|player_ultimate"
	skillneeded        = "0|0|0|4"

	#Skill specific information
		setting        = "es_xset wcs_speed 1.1 ; es_xset wcs_health 25 | es_xset wcs_speed 1.2 ; es_xset wcs_health 30 | ex_xset wcs_speed 1.3 ; es_xset wcs_health 35 |  es_xset wcs_speed 1.4 ; es_xset wcs_health 40 | es_xset wcs_speed 1.5 ; es_xset wcs_health 50 | es_xset wcs_speed 1.55 ; es_xset wcs_health 60 | es_xset wcs_speed 1.8 ; es_xset wcs_health 80"
		cmd            = " es wcs_setfx speed event_var(userid) = server_var(wcs_speed) 0 ; es wcs_setfx health event_var(userid) = server_var(wcs_health) 0"
		sfx            = ""

		setting        = " es_xset wcs_money 200|es_xset wcs_money 500|es_xset wcs_money 800|es_xset wcs_money 1100"
		cmd            = " if (server_var(wcs_dice) <= 30) then wcs_xalias racealias_bmf3"
		sfx            = "es_xdoblock wcs/addons/effect/bloodmana"

		setting        = " es_xset wcs_gravity 0.92|es_xset wcs_gravity 0.84|es_xset wcs_gravity 0.76|es_xset wcs_gravity 0.68|es_xset wcs_gravity 0.6|es_xset wcs_gravity 0.52|es_xset wcs_gravity 0.30|es_xset wcs_gravity 0.25"
		cmd            = " es wcs_setfx gravity event_var(userid) = server_var(wcs_gravity) 0;es wcs_xtell event_var(userid) r_levitation"
		sfx            = ""

		setting        = "es_xset wcs_hpmana 30|es_xset wcs_hpmana 35|es_xset wcs_hpmana 40|es_xset wcs_hpmana 45"
		cmd            = "es wcsx get cash wcs_cash server_var(wcs_userid);if (server_var(wcs_cash) >= 100) then wcs_xalias racealias_eso100"
		sfx            = " es est_effect 11 #a 0 sprites/purpleglow1.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) 1 3.5 150;es est_effect 4 #a 0 sprites/tp_beam001.vmt server_var(wcs_userid) 3 3 3 50 255 0 25 255;es_getplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 server_var(wcs_userid);es_xmath wcs_z1 + 340;es est_effect 10 #a 0 models/effects/splodecard2_sheet.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) 500 95 6 110 255 5 55 115 120 225 30"
                cooldown       = "25"

	#Requirement section
	required           = 1725
	maximum            = 9999999

	#Restrict section
	restrictmap        = ""
	restrictteam       = 0
	restrictitem       = ""
        teamlimit          = 1

	#Other info
	author             = "Deaglegameon"
	desc               = "Move like a spider"
	spawncmd           = ""
	deathcmd           = ""
	roundstartcmd      = ""
	roundendcmd        = ""
	preloadcmd         = ""
	allowonly          = ""
	onchange           = ""

	#Skill information
	numberofskills     = 5
	numberoflevels     = 4
	skillnames         = "Deadly Spider bite|Gravity|Slowly Poison|Ground is with us and gives us hp!|Weblines"
	skilldescr         = "You do extra damage|you wont have much gravity|make your enemy slow|the ground wont hurt you|teleport where you aim at"
	skillcfg           = "Player_attacker|player_spawn|player_attacker|player_spawn|player_ultimate"
	skillneeded        = "0|0|4|4|8"

	#Skill specific information
		setting        = " es_xset wcs_chance 35;es_xset wcs_dmg 10|es_xset wcs_chance 50;es_xset wcs_dmg 15|es_xset wcs_chance 75;es_xset wcs_dmg 20|es_xset wcs_chance 75;es_xset wcs_dmg 25"
		racealias_nl3  = "es wcs damage event_var(userid) event_var(attacker) server_var(wcs_dmg);es wcs_xtell event_var(attacker) r_beetles attacker event_var(es_attackername) victim event_var(es_username) damage server_var(wcs_dmg);es wcs_xtell event_var(userid) r_beetles attacker event_var(es_attackername) victim event_var(es_username) damage server_var(wcs_dmg)"
		  #cmd            = "if (server_var(wcs_dice) <= server_var(wcs_chance)) then wcsx get isdead wcs_dead event_var(userid);if (server_var(wcs_dice) <= server_var(wcs_chance)) then es_xif (server_var(wcs_dead) = 0) then wcs_xalias racealias_cl3"
    		  cmd            = "if (server_var(wcs_dice) <= server_var(wcs_chance)) then es_xif (event_var(es_userdead) = 0) then wcs_xalias racealias_cl3"
		sfx            = ""

		setting        = "es_xset wcs_gravity 0.80|es_xset wcs_gravity 0.70|es_xset wcs_gravity 0.60|es_xset wcs_gravity 0.50|es_xset wcs_gravity 0.40|es_xset wcs_gravity 0.35|es_xset wcs_gravity 0.30|es_xset wcs_gravity 0.25"
		cmd            = "es_delayed 2 est_SetGravity event_var(userid) server_var(wcs_gravity);es_keysetvalue WCSuserdata event_var(userid) gravity server_var(wcs_gravity);es_tell event_var(userid) : Levitation has been set."
		sfx            = " es_getplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 event_var(userid);es wcx_effect ring server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) 60 sprites/lgtning.vmt 4 2 2 0 20 100 255 5"

		setting        = "es_xset wcs_chance 10;es_xset wcs_speed 0.9|es_xset wcs_chance 15;es_xset wcs_speed 0.8|es_xset wcs_chance 18;es_xset wcs_speed 0.7|es_xset wcs_chance 20;es_xset wcs_speed 0.6"
		cmd            = " if (server_var(wcs_dice) <= server_var(wcs_chance)) then wcs_xalias racealias_tell1"
		sfx            = ""

		setting        = "es_xset wcs_health 15|es_xset wcs_health 20|es_xset wcs_health 25|es_xset wcs_health 40|es_xset wcs_health 50"
		cmd            = "es wcsgroup set nofalldmg event_var(userid) 1; es wcs_setfx health event_var(userid) + server_var(wcs_health) 0; es_tell event_var(userid) #multi #default> Seismic Armor: #lightgreenNo fall damage and +#green server_var(wcs_health) #lightgreen health."
		sfx            = ""

		setting        = "es_xsetinfo wcs_web 1.1|es_xsetinfo wcs_web 1.2|es_xsetinfo wcs_web 2.0|es_xsetinfo wcs_web 2.5|es_xsetinfo wcs_web 4.0"
		cmd            = "es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 server_var(wcs_userid);es est_GetViewCoord server_var(wcs_userid) wcs_x2 wcs_y2 wcs_z2;es est_pushto server_var(wcs_userid) server_var(wcs_x2) server_var(wcs_y2) server_var(wcs_z2) server_var(wcs_web);es est_playplayer server_var(wcs_userid) weapons/357/357_spin1.wav "
		sfx            = "es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 server_var(wcs_userid);es est_GetViewCoord server_var(wcs_userid) wcs_x2 wcs_y2 wcs_z2;es est_effect 3 #a 0 dev/ocean.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) server_var(wcs_x2) server_var(wcs_y2) server_var(wcs_z2) 1 0.1 0.1 255 14 41 255;es est_effect 10 #a 1 dev/ocean.vmt server_var(wcs_x2) server_var(wcs_y2) server_var(wcs_z2) 11 9 2 13 3 0 255 100 100 255 1"
    "ultimate_cooldown" "0""

Well here are my 3 races, I'm still waiting for them so be tested, when Dreamstate or Tunes get the testserver online
thnx vm,

@ all other race scrypters,
please post you races here, so our Forum doesn't become a MESS

- Rise and rise again, untill the lambs become lions -

>>.Noobgameon aka 1shot2kills stylez.<<

The cake is a lie!

Re: EVERY1 Post your RACE HERE!!! 13 years, 8 months ago #24019

  • masteraviv13
  • Gold Boarder
  • hay every1, TWK x3
  • Posts: 182
  • Karma: 1

1 THING IS NEGATIVE it's in german language,
but maybe you have a webbrowser which makes it you language no?

- Rise and rise again, untill the lambs become lions -

>>.Noobgameon aka 1shot2kills stylez.<<

The cake is a lie!

Re: EVERY1 Post your RACE HERE!!! 13 years, 8 months ago #24043

  • Grim4118
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 207
  • Karma: 0
this is my first real race ^^ ive been through it an d i think it should be all correct ( im probably wrong lol)

File Attachment:

File Name: BrandnewIbramGaunt.txt
File Size: 3 KB

Hopefully it'll get tested
Last Edit: 13 years, 8 months ago by Grim4118.

Re: EVERY1 Post your RACE HERE!!! 13 years, 8 months ago #24051

  • FrogyFace
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Frog!
  • Posts: 771
  • Karma: 24
i like the frog one...
i wonder who thought of it hes brilliant
thanks for making it

and you got it wrong
" You are light and fast|your legs are well trained and you jump for long distances|you are hard to hit because you are small and tricky|You beat bugs easily and become healthy.""
at the end it says "you beat bugs" and it needs to be "you eat bugs"
Last Edit: 13 years, 8 months ago by FrogyFace.

Re: EVERY1 Post your RACE HERE!!! 13 years, 8 months ago #24070

  • masteraviv13
  • Gold Boarder
  • hay every1, TWK x3
  • Posts: 182
  • Karma: 1
ah well type fault, i love beating so xD
don't think it's a huge problem
- Rise and rise again, untill the lambs become lions -

>>.Noobgameon aka 1shot2kills stylez.<<

The cake is a lie!

Re: EVERY1 Post your RACE HERE!!! 13 years, 8 months ago #24073

  • deN
  • Platinum Boarder
  • ??????y
  • Posts: 372
  • Karma: 11
masteraviv13 wrote:

1 THING IS NEGATIVE it's in german language,
but maybe you have a webbrowser which makes it you language no?


if u use google chrome, it will autodetect the language on the site, and ask u if u want to translate it :>
Waltz: srsly i got all but the last checkpoint and all other ones i got all check points im the best

Re: EVERY1 Post your RACE HERE!!! 13 years, 8 months ago #24074

  • Chifilly
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Yes?
  • Posts: 1046
  • Karma: 34
Or you could just use

Simple change ?lang=de to ?lang=en

Re: EVERY1 Post your RACE HERE!!! 13 years, 8 months ago #24078

  • masteraviv13
  • Gold Boarder
  • hay every1, TWK x3
  • Posts: 182
  • Karma: 1
ah haha,
also good
- Rise and rise again, untill the lambs become lions -

>>.Noobgameon aka 1shot2kills stylez.<<

The cake is a lie!

Re: EVERY1 Post your RACE HERE!!! 13 years, 8 months ago #24079

  • masteraviv13
  • Gold Boarder
  • hay every1, TWK x3
  • Posts: 182
  • Karma: 1
But now i still hope the Admin do something with our races,
and let us test them
- Rise and rise again, untill the lambs become lions -

>>.Noobgameon aka 1shot2kills stylez.<<

The cake is a lie!

Re: EVERY1 Post your RACE HERE!!! 13 years, 8 months ago #24085

  • FrogyFace
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Frog!
  • Posts: 771
  • Karma: 24
masteraviv13 wrote:
ah well type fault, i love beating so xD
don't think it's a huge problem

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Moderators: Chifilly, VooDoo, iMattR
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