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Skoutzknivez mod?
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TOPIC: Skoutzknivez mod?

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Skoutzknivez mod? 14 years, 10 months ago #11234

  • Che ken
  • Official TWK Admin
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Thought general would be more suitable than requests this time

As poll says, what should we have? More than one option available incase anyone wants to mix and match

Deathmatch - Something I look for on sk servers, but only so I can avoid them... I never play sk dm, never found it appealing at all. Full of nooby campers, spawn killers, afk's... the works. You have to end up camping yourself because that's all the enemy ever does too and I find that extremely boring and not fun at all. Normally put together with rpg mod, and most likely also used with wcs mod, it can allow a much faster leveling system. Could also be mixed with headshot mod or even normal.

HS mods - Can't deal damage unless you shoot a player in the head. Less popular than normal servers and quite rare to see them. More likely to be played by skilled players and avoided by the less skilled, I do not think it would be a good option, but would be nice to have as something to activate/deactivate at will so we could spice up duals or something. Can be mixed with deathmatch mod and normal, generally avoided when playing rpg as the added health makes fights go on forever (sometimes literally)

WCS sk - As stated in my last post, very few of them about. One simple reason, they suck. SK is not made for wcs at all, Orc dies in mid air, spawns again, BAM dead, spawns again BAM dead (It's sk3 all over again, but smaller and even worse). If it is used, could be mixed with deathmatch, but I'd avoid hs mod with this on for similar reason to rpg mod, some races have extra health and others have no guns or different guns (ruining the point of SKOUTZ and KNIVEZ).

RPG sk - I personally like this combination, but only with limited skills (MY fave server had to be 500 starting credits, health, regen, vampire, longjump, medic and icestab). Only 5 servers showed up out of 26 with this, however they were popular to say the least. The fave server I just mentioned has a limit of 24 players, it's usually full but after one or two players are on there people do seem to flood in. It can easily reach 14-16 players in just a few rounds. The only downside to this is that if there is a very experienced sk player or a very high level player that takes alot to kill, it can empty pretty quickly to leave only the real dedicated players. Can be mixed with deathmatch mod but avoid mixing with headshot mod at all costs (reasons stated above)

Normal sk - Not much to say really, takes up the majority of sk servers so alot of competition, potential to be very popular. Just need skill with noscoping and fast bhopping to avoid others shots (easier said than done with some players - I can shoot people going relatively fast, I've seen the limit to how fast I can bhop around sk and I'm pretty certain I could hit people going that speed twice without much trouble) - mixed with deathmatch and headshot mods, can't be mixed with wcs or rpg because it wouldn't be normal!

Think that's all the areas covered? So for my answer I am going to say RPG SK, no other mods. However I would also like to say that only certain skills be possible. I have seen an rpg server with stealth and it just annoys me... almost completely invisible person icestabs you so you can't move and then proceeds to shoot you in head until you die, then spams that same move every round...

I would say health, regeneration, vampire, longjump, medic and icestab are the only skills needed to make a good RPG SK server, but if anyone else has other combinations of skills for RPG then I'd love to hear them and we can test them out if needed
Upgrade list can be seen however I have seen others before... I will nose around

EDIT: Sorry! Forgot about the noscope mod!

Noscope - Does exactly what it says on the tin, this mod disables the ability to use the scope, the server is forced into using no scopes at all. Can be mixed with any other mod really, but I see it almost as little as a wcs sk server!

Re: Skoutzknivez mod? 14 years, 10 months ago #11235

  • VoGon
  • Official TWK Admin
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All I can say is... Damn! big post and lots of text...LOL

Great work there buddy, and for me I find the RPG one to have more potential (I'm thinking of returning players due to levels).

I'm not a scout player (hate that weapon as you all know, maybe due to the gungame experience I always had with it...), but I think it has potential with RPG on

So I vote for rpg sk.
DS : No worries. I've just tried to burn then microwave then shred my wow invite.

Re: Skoutzknivez mod? 14 years, 10 months ago #11241

  • Che ken
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 746
  • Karma: 6
VoGon wrote:
All I can say is... Damn! big post and lots of text...LOL

Great work there buddy, and for me I find the RPG one to have more potential (I'm thinking of returning players due to levels).

I'm not a scout player (hate that weapon as you all know, maybe due to the gungame experience I always had with it...), but I think it has potential with RPG on

So I vote for rpg sk.


Re: Skoutzknivez mod? 14 years, 10 months ago #11242

  • Tunes
  • Official TWK Admin
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Well, without reading, my vote goes to rpg and deathmatch, i think both options can be mixed.

Re: Skoutzknivez mod? 14 years, 10 months ago #11243

  • Che ken
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 746
  • Karma: 6
Tunes wrote:
Well, without reading, my vote goes to rpg and deathmatch, i think both options can be mixed.

Should give it a read! I put all possible mixes of mods and my own opinions of each mod for sk
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