Well I've had a good long think about it, and have also done some research on fpsbanana and taken a look at several churches maps, finally coming to this (note that I am not going to be biased on the churches maps, otherwise I'd say the original wins hands down. I want to make it as good a suggestion as I can):
We currently have 3 churches maps on the gg server and one on the ggdm server ALL of them are different.
gg_churches_x (GG)
gg_churches_x_final_fixed (GG)
gg_churches_2009 (GG)
trs_aim_churches_twk (GGDM)
The original churches map, a symetrical map of two churches with a maze in the middle, and two underground passageways either side of the churches. It is a very simple map, but an extremely fun one at the same time.
The underground area is very big and very dark, making it a perfect place for people to just sit and camp which is never a good thing. The textures are the basic of basic and the churches themselves are just blocks which I expect even I could do (and the one time I attempted making a map it was terrible, really really terrible).
At the time of creation, this map was brilliant and personally I find that the most simple gg maps are the best, this being no. 1, however taking into consideration the way I am about to review the others, I am going to gice this one a 3/5 on the churches scale for the simplistic fun that all gg maps should be made of.
does not work. It crashes the server whenever I try to put it on and when the server is back it is playing texture_city. I took a look at the
www.fpsbanana.com/maps/screens/24259?img...s/40000.jpg:6l4lxdzk and the only changes I saw was whiter textures for the walls, larger churches with a little window at the top to shoot from, a couple of trees, bells in the top of the churches, a bomb site and a smaller underground area.
Overall I saw the map as a very poor remake, very little had been done to it, the textures looked worse, the lighting was imo a bit too bright when added with the whiter textures used and poorly done as I will explain in a moment.
The windows in the churches gave more oppertunities for spawn killing and camping, which I do not abide by one single bit in a gg map. Despite that the walls of the churches are extremely thin, so mixed with the poor lighting you are able to see a persons shadow as they climb the ladder, and are also able to see their guns pointing out of the walls.
The trees add the smallest bit of realism to the map, which is nice, but other than that they do nothing, they are thin enough that even a glock can penetrate them and deal damage to another player.
The bells again add another touch of realism, however like the trees they do nothing else.
A bombsite on a gg map, in a gg server, never seen anyone do this before and for obvious reasons. The bomb gives people another level if they planted it and it explodes, or if you defuse it, so people take this oppertunity to win the map by doing something like this and imo that is wrong. To win a gg server you must get a knife kill. Not by saving a hostage or defusing a bomb!
I found this map to be a downgrade on the original and so I give this map a 1/5 on the churches scale, and hope to never see it on our rotations (can we get it removed from the servers completely? Colin was a noob and put it on the other day and it would be great if it never came up on the admin map list)
x_final (also known as x_final_fixed) is the updated version of churches_x, improvements include exploding objects at bomb site, enviromental sounds, destructable objects, more foliage for realism and an additional area on either side of the map to play on.
Again there have not been many noteable improvements to the map, the bombsite again is not needed on a gg server, so any improvements to that are also not needed.
Enviromental sounds are wind blowing when you are on the roof and the bell now makes a ringing sound when it is shot, adds to the realism but other than that it does nothing
The foliage again does nothing for the map other than add to the realism, players can hide in the plants but they are not big enough to completely hide them so almost anyone should be able to see them.
Destructable objects are four plant pots on the new areas of the map and the two ledges in the windows are now destructable. This stops most people from camping up the top which is a very nice addition, however the plant pots do nothing except add even more realism to the map.
The new sections of the map are two elevated side areas that allow players to look into the middle area and shoot enemies from there. The gazebo allows cover from the rooftops and the walls give cover to the majority of the map.
Other changes include windows in the side of the middle section, allowing people to shoot from the original side areas without having to jump on a box and a new roof with a slightly different texture compared to the previous version.
Despite all the added realism, the churches are still boxes with poor textures, which ruins any attempt at making the map seem more realistic in my eyes.
3/5 on the churches scale
churches_2009 is the ONLY churches map to include a 3D skybox and looks extremely more realistic than any others I have played on.
The interior of the churches has an alter and benches, each church has much better textures than the original, using a much more old style brickwork texture than a whitewash. The rooftops have again a more old style tile texure than the original whitewash blocks again creating a much more realistic look which is nice on the eyes. The main roof has been cut back slightly, so the towers only have the enterance to walk around, the sides and the fron are protected from most rooftop fire.
The windows in the tower have been made much smaller, and there is no bell in them, which makes them alot harder to shoot into and alot easier to shoot out of, making them a prime camping spot.
The bell has been moved to a small building next to the church, still using that realistic ringing sound when shot, this little room is a nice sniping spot to shoot anyone coming across the map.
The middle section has been changed into a hedged garden, which visually is much more attractive and more realistic. The middle of this garden however is blocked by two gates that do not open so you have to jump in
The underground tunnels have been changes into much more shallow graves for realism just like x_final, however they have no lighting at all and if you have a flashlight you will see the walls are very rugged, making it seem very constricting and clostophobic, just what you'd expect from a grave.
The front of the churches have a stone path leading off to the side which you can see in the
www.fpsbanana.com/maps/screens/77874?img...177749.jpg:6l4lxdzk. These lead off to a path in the 3d skybox which is very effective in making this map seem like parth of a real world.
The lighting fits perfectly with the 3D skybox, making it look just like the sun is setting in the distance, casting long shadows that all work perfectly.
Overall i found this map beutifully made, the textures are of an old style and match perfectly with the rest of the map, I'd expect to see this sort of thing (without one of the churches and walkable graves ofc) in real life. Gameplay is not hindered at all by the changes either which is just what you want.
I give this a 5/5 on the churches scale. Wonderful map and I really hope to see it appearing more on other servers.
Have not played this map myself and can't gather enough I'd like to from the
www.fpsbanana.com/maps/screens/25024?img...s/42021.jpg:6l4lxdzk so I'll give it as best a shot as I can.
This map takes a similar approach churches_x_final, using a larger style church, keeping to the basic textures and making the extra side areas the same length as the map instead of just the middle.
The surrounding textures negate the need for a skybox, and give it the feel of some large cathedral of sorts where a group of monks would live deep in the mountains (if there was a skybox, I would have chosen mountains for the reason I just mentioned).
The other basis of churches_x would be the 'attic' area that can be accessed at the back of the churches, however as one of the comments mention adding a window at the front, this is purely for camping or spawn killing.
There is mention of a 'surfing' area on the map which I can only guess would be motioning towards the rooftops of the side areas.
The tunnels have been completely taken out which was a very bad idea
Lighting has not been changed from the originals which was very minimal, weakens the effect of the whole map.
Before even looking at the map I could expect textures to be fairly simple and unrealistic, other simpsons maps include red rooftops, white bricks walls or orange walls. This is exactly what you get with this map too. The decriptio mentions being a remake of the original, but yet again this map has the same churches as churches_x as well as the windows in the middle area and a shallow grave. So I expect it was actually based of that one rather than trs_aim_churches.
The only change other than textures and lighting would be the tunnels have now been joined up in the middle as you can see on this
www.fpsbanana.com/maps/screens/131731?im...131730f.jpg:6l4lxdzk which is definately a nice addition.
I give this a 2/5 on the churches scale
Pyramids instead of churches, had to include this as I found it quite an interesting concept. Again however screenshots do not do the map any justice at all and since I have not played this map I can't review it completly which is why I will not give this one a churches rating.
Lighting has been set exactly the same as it was on gg_giza, allowing one side to be perfectly lit up while the other side is covered in complete darkness. I found this very strange but effective on giza, and I feel the same with it on this map.
The rooftops seem to be a length of wood, looks thin enough that you would be able to shoot through it, it also seems to be on a bit of a slant as you would expect a roof to be.
The graves look as if they have lighting, nothing you wouldn't expect from the egyptians so it isn't entirely out of place on this type of churches.
The only real problem I can see from the screenshots is the size of the pyramids. Keeping to the churches original rectangle shape, the middle area is stretched due to the width of the pyramids being more than twice that of the churches, making it more of an open slaughter ground for any annoying roof campers than a close combat knife zone.
Now... I've given you a review of all the churches maps that we have along with a few extras, and so I ask everyone... What do they believe is the churches map we should have on our servers?
Oldschool, simple and original
Oldschool remake
Mountainous Monks homage
Beutifully realistic
Totally out of this world or
Mummies with a weight problem
For all those who have just skipped right to the end, I really do suggest you go back and read what I have put. This is not something you can just instantly vote for, as you will know there are maps that you have played and really like, however there are maps here that you will not have played at all. It's a good read too! (I hope)
For all those who did read it through (and now those who have gone back to read it

), I'd really like to hear what you all think about what I have said, maybe make some reviews of your own or suggest another churches map you know of so that I can take a look at it and give it a rating of my own. You'll know how much I want to see the gg server improve from the map testing I've been doing, but churches is on a whole other level. Can't explain why but this is by far my fave gg map and I am serious when it comes to getting the best one possible for our servers.
My Choice
I presonally would go for churches_2009, and failing that x_final. Unfortunately the very originals graves are just campers central and I do not want that on our servers