Art of War wrote:
Wallhack, I spec him for some time on the map and saw clear evidence of wallhack. I check my demo and didn't come off though, so I have no evidence but my word. However, wallhacking is really hard to demo anyway as it is hard to reveal when done by an experienced player. If this is cause to end the ban then fine but I for one will be looking to get another demo. Some of the things he was doing like leaving a defuse to travel to where the t was (far away) was a joke and out of ear shot. How did he know where players were all the time when he was the last map so they were not on radar? This is the preferential hack of an experienced player because it is so hard to demonstrate. I know what I saw...
Without a demo it's is kind of hard to back your word up BUT he may not necessarily been using wallhacks, he could of been on vent or teamspeak with someone else who was on the server?
Also ones headset can help determine how far you can hear footsteps, for example a 5 quid headset may only allow you to hear 5 metres away whereas Razer barracuda's allow you to hear say 20 metres away?
There are many possibilities to explain how it could of happened be it dodgy or clean methods, there is just no way to tell without a demo :/