This is a topic where you can say wich race
you think is overpowered or
you just hate.
Posting it here doesn't mean it will be changed at all. This is just to get an overview and who knows something will change but don't count on that. So to keep it in overview type the race name, the problem with it, wich ability or ultimate it is and it's always nice if you include a solution.
Must add higher races will always be stronger and better then the lower ones.
Race: Zen Monk
Ability: Parylize
Problem: You get parylized and there is 100% nothing you can do. That plus the swapping makes it a bit to much for 1 race. When your parylized your dead and you feel so useless/helpless. I just think you always need a slight chance to do something.
Possible solution: Remove parylize for another simple or descend power don't wanne make Zen Monk weak or allow you to still shoot or any action.
Also keep it normal and respectfull. There has been put allot of work in all the races
If people have solutions for certain problems please help eachother out, cheers.