The Twkgaming community is proud to share with you, our latest features we have been working on.
Reward Hall
From now on, you can find a new fancy button in the top main bar. In that section you can look at some goodies we're offering as a little thank you for donations. We aim to provide the best possible gaming servers we can and achieve the smoothest, best-configured and responsive servers possible. Any donations to TWKGaming go directly towards supporting this ethos and help us to improve, expand and move forward our amazing community.
Remind to read the rules carefully, before donating.
Wcs Update
The wcs admins have been working on a couple of new features :
- 20 New Public races ( Low - Mid - High lvl )
- New maps
- Noblock mod
- Head Hunters Mod ( Headshost are now worth more Exp! )
(- Dubble exp events ) [Coming soon]
- 12 Donator races
6 Awesome looking skins, part of the Reward hall. Available on Wcs & Surf DM, soon on all our servers
Thanks for the support!
Now go out there and enjoy