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Overpowered races and under powered races
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TOPIC: Overpowered races and under powered races

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Overpowered races and under powered races 16 years, 1 month ago #2458

  • anubis
  • Junior Boarder
  • Posts: 32
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There are quite alot of over powered races and underpowered races.
Nemesis is kind of one because you can just run in hit everyone run out and still have like 23 hp then they all blow up.
Lucky strike you cant even move your cursor when u get hit and u also do +73 damage
Hybrid u can just fly around with 500 hp and own everyone at the first round because of the ultimate teleport.
Necrons everyone knows
Juggernaught is a bit overpowered because u have 523 hp and 231 clip whatever weapon you have.
Hell Wrath can just blow the whole team up if your near them with it's ultimate.
Zergling just plain sucks with 10 hp and a big model
Knight templar does absolutely nothing or at least i've seen it do nothing.
Zeus kills people without u even having to shoot with light aura.
Ying yang blind doesnt work making it really bad
Panamora doesnt do anything i've seen.
Nevan i havn't seen it do anything apart from make people suicide 0.1 out of 1000 times.
Longeye mc'gee does nothing but give you long jump.

Re: Overpowered races and under powered races 16 years, 1 month ago #2478

  • Jack Frost
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 181
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I think these are fair comments. New players feel put off by semi-invincible players owning everyone in sight. However, we have to consider the flip side of this argument. Some players work hard (and spend too much time lol)to achieve these high level races and feel they have earned the right to a little ownage. Definitely a thorny issue.

Re: Overpowered races and under powered races 16 years, 1 month ago #2480

  • Che ken
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 746
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That does also lead to the matter where low levels will find one of the first races (mainly chosen is Human Master) and just spam it as they can survive better withg that race. They don't attempt to try out any new races and end up with like lvl 70+ Human Masters and nothing else! So the high levels are complaining bout the little weaklings they are getting, the low levels are complaining about the kick arse races the high levels are getting, and are also forced to have to use one race and are (practically) afraid to use any other races.

Ying Yang used to work (as when I first had it I leveled it up quite a bit, and I remember someone having a WTF moment as I had blinded them every round) so why it stopped working is a mystery...

I propose (if possible) we put a level cap on races so that new players gain no benefit from constantly spamming races and have to try out new ones that will still give them a chance, keeping the rubbish races which will cause new players to fight against races they have a chance against, it might keep the high levels complaining, but it lets the new players actually play, and they'll experience it themselves later on so if anyone complains there's always the fact that nobody should have an advantage ALL the time, even high leveled players. Otherwise it'd just be too unfair on low levels as it'd be suicide to start playing on a wcs server no?

Re: Overpowered races and under powered races 16 years, 1 month ago #2482

  • eskimo
  • Official TWK Admin
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they wont get anything out of it by spamming hum alliance or waht ever but they will still be it depending on if they find it fun ? not everyone plays to level. Putting a cap on higher powered races is a gd idea, as people that get that high obviously wanna keep levelling....
what does bigamy mean? One wife too many. What does monogamy mean? The same f*****g thing

Re: Overpowered races and under powered races 16 years, 1 month ago #2484

  • Che ken
  • Official TWK Admin
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Aye, like Nemesis, it's only 1 on server at a time, but that doesn't stop ppl being like level 115 on it

Also there's something to let more than 1 person be Nemesis (dunno if it can be fixed) where i've once joined with a nemesis already on the map, and I last left AS nemesis, meaning there were 2 on at the same time (cus ya join as what you last left server as)

Re: Overpowered races and under powered races 16 years, 1 month ago #2485

  • anubis
  • Junior Boarder
  • Posts: 32
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Even if people do work hard (me included) i still don't think you should have a race that can wipe a whole team even if your a noob else it just makes people wanna rage quit and spit. It wouldn't really be fun if every round u see someone running really fast in and next second your dead with your body flying away along with the rest of the team's bodies. Nemesis you can take a whole team of necrons easily. With it's Injection skill (which has no counter no way to stop yourself from blowing up) it literally has no counter to the race. Hybrid u can just fly away faster than the eye can see along with invisbility which makes it even harder to take down while it's sniping you and Juggernaught u walk in really fast 231 clip m4 empty it in everyones head and u still have 160 ammo and 200 hp left and lucky strike the server wouldn't really look good when someone walks by and u can't even move your cursor and u die in a +193 damage extra strike

Re: Overpowered races and under powered races 16 years, 1 month ago #2488

  • vapour
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 442
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The admin team are currently in the process of refining and creating a list of non-buggy races for when the server is reset. I believe that most of the races you have mentioned there are being removed anyway. Thanks for your input. =D
M3ntoz: ty for thrusting me.

Re: Overpowered races and under powered races 16 years, 1 month ago #2493

  • Che ken
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 746
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Also what can be annoying is that because of these races, the new players that reach races that have guns spawn for them just lvl up the gun spawning and use it on maps like scoutzknivez and aep maps DESPITE the rules against it... I remember one of them even ignored an admins comments until he was just about to be kicked and his reason?

'Sorry I didn't see it'

If they have to resort to breaking the rules then it makes it no fun for anyone. I myself have left because some guy can't follow the rules and despite our efforts they just continue like a douchbag.

Re: Overpowered races and under powered races 16 years, 1 month ago #2505

  • vapour
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 442
  • Karma: 10
If you see someone persistently disobeying the rules even after being told and there are no admins on the server, type status in console, grab the steam ID, and preferably some evidence and send it to an admin. Make sure you have admins on steam too. Add me to steam 'roboindahouse'. If anyone has any problems with people breaking rules on the server I am more than happy to come on and sort it out.
M3ntoz: ty for thrusting me.

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