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Suggestion to Races
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TOPIC: Suggestion to Races

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Suggestion to Races 15 years, 8 months ago #5408

What suggestions you think im gonna put up to. Well this is the reason right here.

Well il say i do LOVE playing on most Races. But what i was thinking is that, you cannot use Max Raced races.


Me/Others find it very annoying when people are just using Overpowerd Races like Human, Vagalion, Ghost ect ect.
And its not very funny for the other players that wish to level and then somone comes up and just ruins the whole game with the Overpowerd race, this is just an suggestion. Any feedack, is allowed.

Tell me how you feel about this.

- Chris

Re: Suggestion to Races 15 years, 8 months ago #5412

  • AL Azif
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 261
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i don't feel the same atleast not like you tell it.

for example vagalion and death knight of time are indeed overpowerd

but human at the other hand is a standard race you will find it on most servers cause it comes standard with the mod

and you can't blame the races.

cause i can practically kill everything with every race.

and why aren't you allowed to play on a maxed out race ? that means your forced to use only 1 race until you can use another 1 and when you got all skills and keep playing the race you wont get any stronger you will learn about how to use the race. but not get stronger.

and if you are gone yell around that people aren't allowed to use maxed out races then the server will be death in no time cause what are you gone do when you got all races maxed ? that would mean that you aren't allowed to play anymore.

so my 50 cent about this is that it's an waste of time to discus it cause there will never be an lock on maxed races.

Re: Suggestion to Races 15 years, 8 months ago #5418

Yeah true, but Human can be VERY OP. If you just know what to buy.
And Death knight of time, is like binded Human with HP Undead Scourge Speed, Orc for Exstra damage

Like this then, i think whould be fair.

Your not allowed to use the race if you above 50 with it. Or somthing

Re: Suggestion to Races 15 years, 8 months ago #5425

  • AL Azif
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 261
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then again i want to point out that you need to stop looking at most races for example new player starts using human i bet you will never say it is overpowerd. if you see me on human (with out items) you will think you just saw hell fly by but your wrong cause when i use items i am unkillable that why i don't buy items anymore since 2-3 weeks back

and somthing more about the items couldnt you say that for all races ? if you know what to buy then its overpowerd, <BUT> if you know what to buy you can counter it with your own combination.

for example fast running knife races or undeads i could buy orb of slow or flamethrower to slow them down. for people that like to spam flashbangs i could buy helm of clear view.

for races like orc with an incredible strong ultimate i can buy neckless of spell immunity

as you see it's all about learning how to counter.

and 1ns more about the restriction when maxed out if i go distribute my total lvl over all my races then i wouldn't be allowed to play anymore simply because all beeing to high lvl.

and does it really matter if some 1 is lvl 30 or 40 ? i mean on 30 he is maxed and on 40 nothing has changed those 10 levels, yeah maybe 1 thing his skill with that 1 race. but then again people that camp with those heavy races that got allot of hp and massive dmg i choose human teleport in kill 1 and move out in a blink of an eye. when they are fast moving shooters i preffere patriot of hell simple because off the massive lifesteal it has if i hit i atleast can take 1 more hit of them.

so as you may understand it is and will be countering thats maybe why its a mod for counter strike.

Re: Suggestion to Races 15 years, 8 months ago #5427

  • liger
  • Official TWK Admin
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i just like to point out that this is a discussion about the non-existing balance in wc3 mod. carry on >_<

PS: in short OP race is a given in this kind of game

Re: Suggestion to Races 15 years, 8 months ago #5431

  • AL Azif
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 261
  • Karma: 3
my opinion about balance is that there is only 1 balance thats the balance of light and dark with out light there can't be dark and with out dark no light

Re: Suggestion to Races 15 years, 8 months ago #5433

  • Tin
  • Official TWK Admin
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just go play real wow tbh more fun than cheap imitations that's my 2 cents ^^
I am the tart of TWK, accept no subsitute!!

Re: Suggestion to Races 15 years, 8 months ago #5436

  • Johannicus
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Alice, What have you done?
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Tin wrote:
just go play real wow tbh more fun than cheap imitations that's my 2 cents ^^

Agree, it aint got skins to match so its normal CSS with stats changes, IMO..

ADMIN on the Minecraft server.

Re: Suggestion to Races 15 years, 8 months ago #5439

  • AL Azif
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 261
  • Karma: 3
you guys D P wow is some failed game that blizzard made with the ideas of an awsome game called warcraft 3 and its expansion the frozen throne

its an strategie game you know with building and shit but then allot more cool then red allert or anything that looks like that.

Re: Suggestion to Races 15 years, 8 months ago #5440

  • Johannicus
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Alice, What have you done?
  • Posts: 1087
  • Karma: 6
AL Azif wrote:
you guys D P wow is some failed game that blizzard made with the ideas of an awsome game called warcraft 3 and its expansion the frozen throne

its an strategie game you know with building and shit but then allot more cool then red allert or anything that looks like that.

I know..I own all blizzards games exept for "Warcraft 1" and "Lost Vikings". I even own old Rock'n'Roll Racing on my Sega Mega Drive =)

And I didnt like Warcraft 3..too few units, but loved Warcraft 2!!

I just hope they wont screw Starcraft up in the same way. But I doubt it, since its their most successful RTS ever =)

ADMIN on the Minecraft server.
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