that people are refusing to listen might be because of what i said .
i told everybody a simple rule to remeber wich weapons to use on what map.
i simply said you can use the weapons you get from the map and the weapons wich you can buy.
so basicly anticamper you can buy nades so you can use them scout knives you can't buy m4 and you don't get it from map so you can't use them.
so this maybe is why they didn't listen fast
and isn't it a bit drastic to temp ban a person for using nades wich he can buy ?
maybe a few slays and kicks would be good but temp bans ? i think that is a bit harsh but thats my opinion about this subject.
other subjects like ignoring other things an admin says like stop insulting or such can be dealed with with a nice and warm temp ban of 10 min till a day . ah well i am tired so don't mind half the stuff i wrote bit confused had to much to drink sleepy and i finnaly got vacation