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TOPIC: Suggested Rules

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Suggested Rules 16 years, 4 months ago #1217

  • Phoenix
  • Junior Boarder
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Just a few suggestions, already aza is disagreeing with some of them as i am thinking out loud so i suggest you run these by aza,boer and a few other experienced players.

One of the things i just want to point out before i start is that all races have a counter, some being another race, some can be bought from the shop, but there is a counter.

Apart from the general rules like listen to admins etc etc

Suggestion the First: On scoutzknives maps, make it scouts, awps and knives only. No summon of m4s and aks using races such as marine and archmage proudmore. This only gives new players a race disadvantage, they do not need a weapon disadvantage as well.

Suggestion the Second: On awp maps, all guns allowed, due to the awp being so powerful.

Suggestion the Third: Limit the respawning capability of the Orc Lord from possible infinite respawn, to upto 5 possible respawns. This stops new players from giving up in despair due to people (quite reasonably) keeping them dead so they stay alive and get points/xp.

I am sure there will be more suggestions as more people join, people get more experienced etc but those were the ones i could think of for now.

Re:Suggested Rules 16 years, 4 months ago #1218

  • DreamState
  • Official TWK Admin
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Many thanks for these suggestions. I hope people will weigh in with their thoughts.

The warcraft mod is fairly messy imo, from a coding perspective, so any changes I will do my best to implement but there will be limits.

The server is proving popular however so it will be worth getting it right
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Re:Suggested Rules 16 years, 4 months ago #1231

  • Phoenix
  • Junior Boarder
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Suggestion the Fourth:

Get rid of radar, for some races the radar shows you where you are, when your meant to be completely invisible. Kind of defeats the point of complete invisibility when you show up on random radar scans.

Suggestion the Fifth:

No wards allowed on bombsites or hostages. Leave one route to bomb or hossies, dont cut all off with wards.
EG: Bombsite B on dust2, ward at ddoors and tunnel ok, but dont ward the climbing over wall bit as well.

Re:Suggested Rules 16 years, 3 months ago #1294

  • Che ken
  • Official TWK Admin
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I agree with most of what ya said pheonix, but possibly put a spawn protection on so that orcs/orc lords don\'t just constantly get killed, but actually have a chance to escape when spawning (Bit unfair when you got someone camping your respawn area blasting you in the head with an awp or something everytime no?).

Also on scoutknives I ++++++++infinate the thing bout no m4s, m249s, etc. but AWPs?? I\'ve used an awp once on scoutknives (just leaving + bad mood) and it is quite unfair, with scout, they have a chance of leaving spawn with being hit, but not killed. AWP = BOOM! End of their play for round unless they have enough cash to buy a respawn scroll (which means using their money right away which is quite unfair).

Plus to finish it off, yes every race DOES have a counter, but take into account that most people don\'t HAVE a level over 1000, almost everyone is arounf the 700/800 mark or lower, meaning you have the advantage of counter-races that we don\'t have, or races that we can\'t counter.

Anyways, I can\'t play cs : s anymore cus bros a ba****d and forced me to delete it, so atm I don\'t really mind (cept that you\'ll be like lvl 3000 when I get back and I\'ll prob LOSE my levels! :angrySmile

Re:Suggested Rules 16 years, 3 months ago #1304

  • Phoenix
  • Junior Boarder
  • Posts: 24
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Hmm, tell me a race and i can usually think of a way to counter it using one of the first 2 pages of races, the shopmenu and common sense.

Che Ken, if you kill an orc, and dont keep him dead he will simply respawn and shoot you in the back, the idea is that one of his team comes and helps him out...
(An example of this, if you have played left 4 dead, is when a smoker has got you, a teammate needs to help you out)

The AWP on scoutzknives because some races get extra damage anyway, i can think of 3 off top of my head that can one shot kill with a scout to a leg shot. Only a few races get AWPs spawning in anyway, and there are better alternatives once you are a high enough level for those races anyway.

Its personal preference, i\'m not too bothered if someone has an awp on scoutzknives, other people may well be, if everyone complains then i\'ll ask them to stop.

Re:Suggested Rules 16 years, 3 months ago #1333

  • Phoenix
  • Junior Boarder
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Ok a few more:

A few more maps uploaded please: anticamper, the 2 aim texture maps that were on TMH gungame, there are a few more which an old friend of mine is desperately crawling through his map list to find that we used to do, if he finds them i will make them known

Message in Console: No other weapons allowed on scoutzknives except for scouts and knives.

Message in Console: No other weapons allowed on shotgun maps (like helms_deep) other than shotguns and knives.

Message in Console: No other weapons allowed on awp maps other than awps and knives.

Message in Console: No Mic Spamming under any circumstances!

Prince Crab: Currently the level of headcrab is 3200, is there any chance it could be made lower, or swapped with another race, say attainable at lvl 1500.
Headcrab was the most fun race i have ever played, and the server is beginning to get popular, to the point where aza couldn\'t join due to the fact it was full. (Any chance of more slots? ) If Headcrab was lowered and more attainable, the servers popularity would increase even more.

Re:Suggested Rules 16 years, 3 months ago #1334

  • DreamState
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 1686
  • Karma: 39
Thank you for these - these are all possible.

I will look at them asap - please bear with me - this is an exceptionally busy time for me atm.

I will try to put into place weapon restrictions on the maps.

The other maps should be fine - if you could give me the names this would be great.

I would have thought it was fairly easy to change the level of headcrab - I\'ll look into it.

More slots - well, this is great news that the server is so busy. I can\'t atm really due to cost but if it remains as popular I will certainly expand the server. In the meantime, I could probably sort out some reserved slots for people although the res slots on source can be very annoying to get working properly!

I\'m also going to implement a rules agreement page when you join the server.
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They're all dead. Everybody's dead, Dave.

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Re:Suggested Rules 16 years, 3 months ago #1406

  • DreamState
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 1686
  • Karma: 39
Just a quick update.

I have placed weapon restrictions on Scoutknivez - can you please check this work and I can then do similar on maps that require it.

Please list here the names of any other maps you would like to see added

Headcrab, not had chance to look at that one yet - but on hols soon!

More slots - well, I am looking into this seriously - I am not sure how soon this might occur but it is something I will try to do if the server continues to keep busy.

The rules page I have found a script for but it has an annoying \'I agree\' thing which I am not keen on - I can put it on and see what you think but its a little lame. The only other thing to do is add rules to the adverts so they come up regularly. To combat mic spamming I have added the option to mute a player to all TWK community members.


Please excuse my posts .. I try, often unwisely, to write in E-Prime :S
They're all dead. Everybody's dead, Dave.

My SoundCloud

Re:Suggested Rules 16 years, 3 months ago #1416

  • Che ken
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 746
  • Karma: 6
DreamState wrote:
To combat mic spamming I have added the option to mute a player to all TWK community members.

Does that include me? (When I get steam and css back that is (Still nothing yet )

Re:Suggested Rules 16 years, 2 months ago #1516

  • Phoenix
  • Junior Boarder
  • Posts: 24
  • Karma: 0
Cheers DS, tbh mate just stick a console message up with admin is always right, and the main rules (no exploits, ghosting, glitching, weps on specific maps to come up on that map)
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