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Change one of the servers to DM only
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TOPIC: Change one of the servers to DM only

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Change one of the servers to DM only 14 years, 3 months ago #15409

  • tcrumpen
  • Senior Boarder
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i know you have a GG DM, but considering you already have a GG server, it seems pointless to have two one with dm and one without, my suggestion is to get rid of the GG on the gg dm server leaving just the DM mod;

the question you will all ask is, it wasn't popular when we did it before so why do it now?

Answer; Plug it (Advertise) it as much as you can, on the forums (even if only a select few read the forums) and on the server, i have seen some servers have an advert and if u type in a command into console (transfer [ip addres] for example) then it would transfer you to the specific server

One other thing about this server if people like the TWK servers (and why shouldn't they) then they will most likley want to go on diff TWK servers (thats the why that my mind works anyway)

DM will also give you clan members a way to improve thier aim outside of mixes (lets face it, surf, WCS and maybe GG don't really improve aim that much)

Re: Change one of the servers to DM only 14 years, 3 months ago #15413

  • VoGon
  • Official TWK Admin
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Thank you for your post.

We have had a DM server for over a year. Things were never really that popular, but we had hardware that could cope with it.

Unfortunately the help in donations wasn't covering our losses (and an HUGE thanks to all that donate as its always DEEPLY appreciated, those that do know who you are ) and the old server was too much to bear.

We decided to go with a lineup of what we do best (what we are more popular with) and that is WCS, Surf and GG, in fact I believe all that join come from those servers, we never had a single person joining from DM.

Removing regular GG is deeply out of the question, my personal favorite and the reason lots of us found each other, so it holds some sort of "special" place.

Removing GG Deathmatch is also out of the question, its Tunes preferred one, and more popular that regular GG.

Surf ones are deeply popular and something we are also proud of.

Like you mentioned in one of your other posts you like (as I believe everyone does) LAG free servers, so some sacrifices have to be done. Adding another server will cause impact on the others so with the current server hardware its not advisable.

We never put aside suggestions, and in the future it could happen, but for now the server lineup will keep the same. We prefer to have quality over quantity.
DS : No worries. I've just tried to burn then microwave then shred my wow invite.

Re: Change one of the servers to DM only 14 years, 3 months ago #15414

  • M3ntoz
  • Administrator
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If u want to play normal DM u should join some kind of other server, there are plenty of DM server. I really like twk just because they have all the special kind of things.

DM might train ur skills but it needs to stay fun.
Mr.Moo: Damn, Mentoz beat me to it -.-

Re: Change one of the servers to DM only 14 years, 3 months ago #15423

  • Che ken
  • Official TWK Admin
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For the time we had a DM server, it was never really that popular and (as Vogon said) we got nobody joining from there hoping to help improve it. I popped into it now and then to find it filled with noobs, cheats or the like and I believe this was also before I had any sort of admin privilages. I sat there and watched a guy spinning like a whirlwind gettings hs all over the place, and then saw the only person who could kill him fire through almost every wall on the map (one of my reasons for wanting to be an admin )

The original gg server is nowhere near as popular as the ggdm server, and so ggdm I don't believe will be removed in the forseeable future. I remember all of the original twk members and I met them on a gg server. I meet alot of good people on gg and it proves to be very popular (despite being a little less popular than ggdm). I don't see this ever getting removed because of that one fact.

It's good that we got another person throwing in some ideas like I used to, I can't atm with lack of steam (thanks alot college *mutter*) but rest assured you'll be seeing me go mental again in a few years time when I get steam open again! Please keep up the ideas, tis always nice to get a reminder as to what we might be able to have, keeps the cogs in our heads moving

Re: Change one of the servers to DM only 14 years, 3 months ago #15471

  • NightMare
  • Expert Boarder
  • Nightmare
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I dont think it should be a good idea to remove one of our popular servers or changing it into another mod

Re: Change one of the servers to DM only 14 years, 3 months ago #15627

  • kidoc
  • Junior Boarder
  • Posts: 25
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Are you crazy? I'd be lost without gg server, lol

Re: Change one of the servers to DM only 14 years, 3 months ago #15668

  • NightMare
  • Expert Boarder
  • Nightmare
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kidoc wrote:
Are you crazy? I'd be lost without gg server, lol

I would be lost without the warcraft server but I dont think they will remove that server :p
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