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TOPIC: Abuse

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Abuse 14 years, 2 months ago #16613

  • innocent
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 5
  • Karma: 0
I like playing on you wcs server BUT

There are some people that belong to your community that seem to noob around some.

Some of them only pick the most overpowered highest lvl'd race they have.
Not much u can do about that.

BUT that an ADMIN of your server actually abuses a way so he's completely invisable is one step too far for me!

I'm talking about Rob, I checked what race he was cuz it could be that.
He was human alliance so he should still be pretty visable.
I checked if i could do the same with shopmenu but the shadow cloak was blocked for that race.

So he must have some kind of right that he can use it or some bug exploit, either way if someone like that is wearing your tag and just abuses bugs....
After that i got kicked by him for calling him a noob... which he is considering he's using a lame bug.
I think there should be done something about it

Sincerely, Innocent

Re: Abuse 14 years, 2 months ago #16614

  • eskimo
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 601
  • Karma: 5
Thank you for conveying your concern. Can you provide any evidence like a demo or whatever? Pretty sure this will be investigated.

what does bigamy mean? One wife too many. What does monogamy mean? The same f*****g thing

Re: Abuse 14 years, 2 months ago #16615

  • blaZe-
  • Junior Boarder
  • Posts: 23
  • Karma: 1
Hi, please do something whit this idiot kid, I can't play with kid's like himself

Re: Abuse 14 years, 2 months ago #16617

  • vapour
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 442
  • Karma: 10
Hey mate, you did the right thing coming to the forums when you suspected there was an issue. However, even if you do think something is going on, it is unacceptable to throw around derogatory terms such as 'noob' to any player, let alone a twk admin. This issue will be looked into, thank you for posting.
M3ntoz: ty for thrusting me.

Re: Abuse 14 years, 2 months ago #16618

  • M3ntoz
  • Administrator
  • Freshmaker!
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innocent wrote:
I like playing on you wcs server BUT

There are some people that belong to your community that seem to noob around some.

Some of them only pick the most overpowered highest lvl'd race they have.
Not much u can do about that.

BUT that an ADMIN of your server actually abuses a way so he's completely invisable is one step too far for me!

I'm talking about Rob, I checked what race he was cuz it could be that.
He was human alliance so he should still be pretty visable.
I checked if i could do the same with shopmenu but the shadow cloak was blocked for that race.

So he must have some kind of right that he can use it or some bug exploit, either way if someone like that is wearing your tag and just abuses bugs....
After that i got kicked by him for calling him a noob... which he is considering he's using a lame bug.
I think there should be done something about it

Sincerely, Innocent

Human currently has much invisibility cause there are some bugs going on.
Also u can become 100% invisible if u first are vagabond and die, than pick another race.
I'm sure this will be fixed when it's posted on the wcs forum or when pooky has done his exams.
Mr.Moo: Damn, Mentoz beat me to it -.-

Re: Abuse 14 years, 2 months ago #16619

  • eskimo
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 601
  • Karma: 5
_vapour wrote:
it is unacceptable to throw around derogatory terms such as 'noob' to any player, let alone a twk admin.

I could not say anything on the matter as most of you know i have a foul mouth, so i left that to VpR to avoid being hypocritical
what does bigamy mean? One wife too many. What does monogamy mean? The same f*****g thing

Re: Abuse 14 years, 2 months ago #16620

  • eskimo
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 601
  • Karma: 5
blaZe- wrote:
Hi, please do something whit this idiot kid, I can't play with kid's like himself

Can we be less aggressive? i will look at the demo. (excuse to reinstall source )
what does bigamy mean? One wife too many. What does monogamy mean? The same f*****g thing

Re: Abuse 14 years, 2 months ago #16621

  • eskimo
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 601
  • Karma: 5
After looking at the demo i could quickly see why you are quite annoyed. Use of deagle on scoutknive, not only that, after you informed him of the rules he ignored you and was being a general dick. I definitely think he needs punishing as people like that do not deserve to be on our servers. Thanks for the post Blaze, appreciate it that you are trying to keep the twk servers clean.

Much Thanks,
what does bigamy mean? One wife too many. What does monogamy mean? The same f*****g thing

Re: Abuse 14 years, 2 months ago #16624

  • Pooky
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 711
  • Karma: 49
Ok, this is quite disturbing news to me..

As for the invis, i can say with 100% that there is no way to go around the item restrictions, even if you've got admin rights.

The invisibility has always been an issue in the current wcs mod (Vagabond, flame pred, human, ... ), i'm going to do some testing tonight and see if i can find a new, more stable command for it. With this i mean that Rob might have been in that state of invis without deliberitly wanting to.

I would like to hear something from Rob himself?

Last Edit: 14 years, 2 months ago by Pooky.

Re: Abuse 14 years, 2 months ago #16628

  • Roblackpool
  • Junior Boarder
  • Posts: 26
  • Karma: 0
You were being abusive with no reason to be, hence the reason you were kicked. I don't expect anyone to think they can come onto a server and give abuse to any player, let alone an admin and expect it to be fine. You didn't just call me a 'noob' either, you neglected to mention other profanities which you used in the same conversation.

Again, to come onto our forums and again, without evidence, accuse me of bug exploiting is ridiculous. I've played wcs for years, never abused races or bugs, hence why I am admin of our wcs server. Do you think I would be admin if I abused bugs? We had a conversation about it, the map was dust2 and u asked why I was almost invisible. I advised that I picked the arctic model as T, which is WHITE. Think - White model, partially invisible, against a bright, lightly-coloured background = greater effect of invisibility.

To be honest, after listening to your abuse on the server I'm not going to respond any further to these allegations, since you have no evidence and have already been informed that I cannot abuse wcs simply with admin rights. Think before you speak next time, and listen when people are talking to you and answering your queries, before hurling abuse or making accusations which are unfounded.
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