Finished (in dev release):
* Updated regeneration to disable the say message with an extra (optional) argument <1=tell msg / =don't tell msg (defaults to 1)>.
* Allow user to make changerace effective on round end or on death.
* Add to Playerinfo: invisibility 100%, speed ... . And add: Skill 1 [8/8], Skill 2 [8/8], Skill 3 [5/8].
* changerace undead: changerace [racename].
* Restrictmap: On mapchange it should automatically change your race to a default one in case the new map is restricted to your race.
* Set a cooldown value depending on skill level: cooldown = "15|10|5".
* Make it so ultimate cooldown does not overlap on next round.
* Anti damage / Headshot damage protection (requires SPE).
* VIP menu finished using WCSadmin system.
* "wcs_degeneration <userid> <target> <damage> <time> <radius>" added.
* multiXP addon added.
* Boss mod addon added.
I found this on this site:
Not sure if its definitely for python, but it should be, I was searching through the python section to find this..
there is also a few other nice features on that thread