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I made my first race :P
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I made my first race :P 13 years ago #23845

  • VooDoo
  • Moderator
  • ✪ TheWalross ✪ ERRY DAY
  • Posts: 740
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Okay, I know there will be bugs, idk how to code races yet but it is worth a try at learning

Name: Twisted Psychopath

[Twisted Psychopath]
    required = 1650
    maximum = 0

    restrictmap = ""
    restrictteam = 0
    restrictitem = ""

    author = "VooDoo"
    desc = "A mental patient"
    spawncmd = ""
    deathcmd = ""
    roundstartcmd = ""
    roundendcmd = ""
    preloadcmd = ""
    allowonly = ""
    onchange = ""

    numberofskills = 4
    numberoflevels = 5
    skillnames = "Mental Speed|Psychic Damade|Mind Burn|Hidden bomb"
    skilldescr = "Learn to run Fast|Hit and deal more|Burn your foes|Blow up on death"
    skillcfg = "player_spawn|player_attacker|player_attacker|player_death"
    skillneeded = "0|0|0|8"

        setting = " "es_xsetinfo wcs_speed 1.50|es_xsetinfo wcs_speed 1.60|es_xsetinfo wcs_speed 1.70|es_xsetinfo wcs_speed 1.80|"
        cmd = "es wcs_setfx speed event_var(userid) = server_var(wcs_speed) 0"
        sfx = ""
        setting = ""
        cmd = "if (event_var(weapon) = null) then es_xif (server_var(wcs_dice) <= 30) then es_xif (event_var(es_userdead) = 0) then wcs_xalias racealias_XAzQc2UL"
        racealias_XAzQc2UL = "es wcs damage event_var(userid) event_var(attacker) server_var(wcs_dmg)"
        sfx = ""
        setting = ""
        cmd = "if (server_var(wcs_dice) <= 20) then es_xif (event_var(es_userdead) = 0) then wcs_xalias racealias_IcBfaDsK"
        racealias_IcBfaDsK = "es wcs_setfx burn event_var(userid) = 1 server_var(wcs_time)"
        sfx = ""
        setting = ""
        cmd = "if (server_var(wcs_dice) <= server_var(wcs_chance)) then es_xdoblock wcs/tools/ultimates/default/wcs_ulti_suicide"
        sfx = ""
Last Edit: 13 years ago by VooDoo.

Re: I made my first race :P 13 years ago #23846

  • Liquid Snake
grats on your first race voodoo! although this isnt your first mistake with the wrong section

Re: I made my first race :P 13 years ago #23849

  • M3ntoz
  • Administrator
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I can put it on the test server later on if you want. So you can see whats working and whats not.
Mr.Moo: Damn, Mentoz beat me to it -.-

Re: I made my first race :P 13 years ago #23902

  • Gimp
  • Official TWK Admin
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wheres the ultimate that plays dubstep santa 2 , ko love it

Re: I made my first race :P 13 years ago #23924

  • VooDoo
  • Moderator
  • ✪ TheWalross ✪ ERRY DAY
  • Posts: 740
  • Karma: 22
M3ntoz wrote:
I can put it on the test server later on if you want. So you can see whats working and whats not.

That would be great

Re: I made my first race :P 13 years ago #23936

  • Supa
  • Platinum Boarder
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What the hell I come on the forum and suddenly everyone is making races. Did I miss something here ? Tournament making races or is someone forcing these poor guys ?

Well I'd say let them come aslong their not overpowered and that they are playable it's all good by me

Congratz with your first race
Last Edit: 13 years ago by Supa.

Re: I made my first race :P 13 years ago #23960

  • VooDoo
  • Moderator
  • ✪ TheWalross ✪ ERRY DAY
  • Posts: 740
  • Karma: 22
Supa wrote:
What the hell I come on the forum and suddenly everyone is making races. Did I miss something here ? Tournament making races or is someone forcing these poor guys?

Well ive been learning for a while now and finally decided i would make one

Re: I made my first race :P 13 years ago #23963

  • Pooky
  • Official TWK Admin
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I'll ask Dreamstate to bring the test server back to life ( it's currently offline, to save CPU ). Then mentoz can add it for ya and check it out

But there are quite some errors in it in a first glance.

Skill 1 : You must split the diff vars in settings with "|" instead of ";" Or else the server will think it's all for 1 lvl.

Eg. "es_xsetinfo wcs_speed 1.50|es_xsetinfo wcs_speed 1.60|..."

Skill 2 & 3 : They are missing setting vars? If you look into the cmd you see they use vars like "Server_var(wcs_dmg)" and "server_var(wcs_time)". But you haven't defined em before, so the server will give errors. So what you got to do, is put the same lay-out as skill 1's settings but with diff vars & values

Eg. "es_xsetinfo wcs_dmg 15|es_xsetinfo wcs_dmg 20|..."

Same goes for Skill 4; for that ultimate you need to define, the radius, magnitude & explosion.

Read the stuff i posted on here

And download the newest wcs version that's shared on, there you'll find the race called undead scourge, and that race uses the ultimate you're trying to use

Keep it up !

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