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TOPIC: Suggestions

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Suggestions 15 years, 7 months ago #5303

  • Che ken
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 746
  • Karma: 6
Any map you'd like to reccommend or even suggest it should be removed post it here (if removed please add a reason for why it should be removed and I'll have a look into it), remember surfing is there to have fun, so give us maps you think are fun! (and a few challenging ones

Re: Suggestions 15 years, 7 months ago #5304

  • Che ken
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 746
  • Karma: 6
I'll start off with just three for now, but as I'm surfing on another server as well as twk, I'll be hopefully posting a few others later on

first three are:

Surf_nocturnal_final 14cv9qs9

Looks quite big but in actuality it takes less than a few mins to finish surfing it, it's just the U-bends that'll get people sometimes Looks like quite a nice design and I have yet to hit any snags in the ramps so is well made map. You start with knife but at the end of first section get a fiveseven whic can always give people a nice bit of aim training later on

Surf_bedroom 14cv9qs9

Ever heard of the rat trap mod? It's where the room is huge and you seem like a mouse, some of the maps are quite cool. This is a surf version of that type of map, where you are in somebodys bedroom. Fun little map, guns I've seen on it are AUG, AWP, Scout, M4 and I think that's it, might be others that I have not seen, but this allows people to gain skills in certain guns and possibly make off with the only one (only seen one AUG) while laughing.

Surf_slush_v9 14cv9qs9

Quite a cool map if I say so myself, jail is easily escapeable and there's a second one where people can either be merciful and free them, or make them drop to their doom (always funny). Some of the surf bits have been made to look like water, downside to which is there's an image in the water that doesn't exsist on the map... Other than that it's a good map and there are plenty of different pathes to take meaning you won't get bored as quickly as some maps *cough* eclipse *cough*.

Re: Suggestions 15 years, 7 months ago #5374

  • Lee.H
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 456
  • Karma: 0
They look good except the bedroom one. You played surf_bathroom? That one sucks and I fear the bedroom one would be the same?

Re: Suggestions 15 years, 7 months ago #5378

  • Che ken
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 746
  • Karma: 6
Played them all, bathroom dose suck yes but bedroom's not bad imo, you gotta know what your doing on bits to get any further, but that's easy to undetrstand if you watch others or explore by yourself
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