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New Races (WCS Server)
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TOPIC: New Races (WCS Server)

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New Races (WCS Server) 15 years, 4 months ago #8015

Hiya TWK

So, im currently maxed out on all races. And i find realy nothing more to do on the races. Well i still level up and play on the server.

Since i dont think Normal players can use these "Hell Lust" or what they are called

So is there an update with any new races?. Whould be lovley

- Regards


Re: New Races (WCS Server) 15 years, 3 months ago #8111

  • Pooky
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 711
  • Karma: 49

I was planning of posting a same message like this one

Regulars leave the server because they are maxed out and kinda lose their addiction to the server.

Therefore it would be a great improvement if we could manage to get more races on & running, following the "Static" race ( Last public available race ).

I think it speaks for itself that I would be more than glad to help out with finding and testing new potential races


Re: New Races (WCS Server) 15 years, 3 months ago #8113

  • vapour
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 442
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My personal opinion-

There are too many tomes of experience on the server. It allows players to level up too quickly and get bored.

On the warcraft server i played on previous to this one, the only tome available was the $2500 one for 100xp.

I feel this worked well as it slowed the levelling, made players get kills for their XP and made the high level races less obtainable.

Introducing that at this stage though would require a reset. So i guess this is just a thought for the future in case the levels have to be reset again.
M3ntoz: ty for thrusting me.

Re: New Races (WCS Server) 15 years, 3 months ago #8115

  • VoGon
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 1503
  • Karma: 9
Maybe we can get some new races and remove those tomes, then ppl will come back to try them? I'm not one of the wcs geeks (pardon my language but im a GG guy... )

But good ideas guys
DS : No worries. I've just tried to burn then microwave then shred my wow invite.

Re: New Races (WCS Server) 15 years, 3 months ago #8116

  • DreamState
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 1686
  • Karma: 39
This is something that is definately on the cards (new races) and I think we may well need a reset in the future - possibly new year, new start?

We could really use that as an opportunity to remove buggy races and sort out the XP stuff to make levelling fairer. The server is such that altering anything major is quite difficult once players have levels/races stored, etc.

Please bear with us as things have become very busy recently in the run up to Chrimbo but we are working on numerous things TWK-wise so stay tuned
Please excuse my posts .. I try, often unwisely, to write in E-Prime :S
They're all dead. Everybody's dead, Dave.

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Re: New Races (WCS Server) 15 years, 3 months ago #8249

  • Pooky
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 711
  • Karma: 49
I've been looking around here & there and might have some potential races ? =)

1433cc9s ( Basicly all of these seem worth trying, if you think about trying them out first on a test server, except for the first one lol " Chance on attack to drop a house on someone AND Become a vending machine that shoots missles for 5 seconds Rofl ? )

* 24 - Holy Juggernaut
* 26 - Emptyreborn
* 27 - Link ( one skill says : "Grandmas Soup - Deal More Damage" hehe :p )
* 28 - Ice man ( The current version on the Wcs server has a bugged ultimate, aswell as Torch. This one might work beter ? )
* 30 - Gangster Ninja

1433cc9s-> This one contains Vagalion. We already have this one, but it's bugged and now works the exact same as a Vagabond. So here's the correct script to fix it.

1433cc9s ( Same serie's as the first link but 20/30)
1433cc9s ( Same series as the first link but 10/30)

1433cc9s -> Master versions of Humans, undead, elves & orcs ( the same but the skills can go 3 lvl's higher that the normal begin races )

I have no doubt that you have seen all these races before, but just wanted to give some idea's

PS: In the post above you mentioned about doing a general reset. When doing that i would fill up the lvl gap between ... and frost giant and start editing new races, if we find any new ones, after the last public available race Static.

General Fps banana Wcs races link -> 1433cc9s


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