I've been looking around here & there and might have some potential races ? =)
1433cc9s ( Basicly all of these seem worth trying, if you think about trying them out first on a test server, except for the first one lol " Chance on attack to drop a house on someone AND Become a vending machine that shoots missles for 5 seconds Rofl ?

* 24 - Holy Juggernaut
* 26 - Emptyreborn
* 27 - Link ( one skill says : "Grandmas Soup - Deal More Damage" hehe :p )
* 28 - Ice man ( The current version on the Wcs server has a bugged ultimate, aswell as Torch. This one might work beter ? )
* 30 - Gangster Ninja
1433cc9s-> This one contains Vagalion. We already have this one, but it's bugged and now works the exact same as a Vagabond. So here's the correct script to fix it.
1433cc9s ( Same serie's as the first link but 20/30)
1433cc9s ( Same series as the first link but 10/30)
1433cc9s -> Master versions of Humans, undead, elves & orcs ( the same but the skills can go 3 lvl's higher that the normal begin races )
I have no doubt that you have seen all these races before, but just wanted to give some idea's
PS: In the post above you mentioned about doing a general reset. When doing that i would fill up the lvl gap between ... and frost giant and start editing new races, if we find any new ones, after the last public available race Static.
General Fps banana Wcs races link -> 1433cc9s