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Overwhelming Quake sounds
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TOPIC: Overwhelming Quake sounds

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Overwhelming Quake sounds 15 years, 3 months ago #8155

  • Pooky
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 711
  • Karma: 49
Hi all

I have been very busy with my exames so i'm sorry that i haven't been on frequently.

Anyways, i went on the server today and saw & Heard that new Quake sounds had been added. Just some feedback :

Keep em down, atm. every possible event is beeing broadcasted to all players with sounds & flashing titels. You'll notice that in the first 5 sec of each round we all get overwhelmed by these sounds.

I remeber that it is possible to put settings on which sounds are heard by all players/ just the killer / the victem.

I'd suggest that only non frequent sounds are heard by all, and that things such as Headshots are only heard by the killer. These settings have been working fine on my old servers.



Re: Overwhelming Quake sounds 15 years, 3 months ago #8157

  • DreamState
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 1686
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I'll look into this - have switched over just to them being less laggy for the server but don't want them overwhelming.

You can disable them in game if needed for now whilst I look into it.
Please excuse my posts .. I try, often unwisely, to write in E-Prime :S
They're all dead. Everybody's dead, Dave.

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Re: Overwhelming Quake sounds 15 years, 3 months ago #8159

  • DreamState
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 1686
  • Karma: 39
Ok, should be sorted now - many thanks for letting us know.

Might take a map change or possibly server restart - I'd figure a map change.

Let me know if things are not correct
Please excuse my posts .. I try, often unwisely, to write in E-Prime :S
They're all dead. Everybody's dead, Dave.

My SoundCloud

Re: Overwhelming Quake sounds 15 years, 3 months ago #8162

  • Che ken
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 746
  • Karma: 6
If you type !quake in the text, yuu have three options. One is to disable the sounds, another is to have no text, and the third one was to have female voice instead, which can be a little less overwhealming.

I also happened to notice TMH had a thing on their quake sounds where you could choose what type of quake sounds you had (This would require downloading the others to do this). They had:
Normal Quake (the overwhealming one)

Female Quake (slightly less overwhealming but when you got a guy getting unstoppable and stuff it starts getting headache inducing)

German Quake (alway fun, but just as overwhealming as the normal)

Robotic Quake (awsome one, prob my fave of the lot) and finally

Dark Quake (much less overwhealming imo, I'd suggest that as the default if you have more than one set of sounds)

Just a little thing to consider for a unique sound server
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