He we are ( again), hope you guys haven't gotten bored of reading my ideas
Anyhuw, i was wondering if the admins could make the normal serverplay precedure a bit more fun by manually starting "fun rounds"
With this i mean :
1) The admind starts a sm_vote asking
"Is anyone in for a fun round ??!!" or something in that direction and giving the answering options
"Wuuhuu, hit me!" or
"Euhm, let's try something easy as a starter ?" or
"No thanks"
2) These diffirent answers are then linked with different acions made by the admin such as
* Changing
sv_frition to -1, 0 or 2 instead of the normal 4( makes you move in a funny way, that's how i'd discribe it )
* Changing
sv_accelerate to -5 or -8 ( This one will make your movement keys turn around so forward <-> backwards, left <-> right ) Or change them above the normal 5 to make the people move quicker.
* Changing
sv_gravity to 200 - 600 instead of 800
2-bis) If the players chose for the first option( hard lvl), we can combine chaning multible settings. If they chose the second one( easy lvl), you can chose between one of them. I have tried it out on dedi server and found the combination "sv_accelerate -5 sv_friction 1" suited best for the Most difficult lvl.
3) After one round, the admin changes the settings back to normal
This is just an idea, i thought it might be fun for on the wcs server, since it's already a bit "more loosened up" then normal servers. Be well aware that in order to change all sv_ settings, the rcon password is needed.
If there are people whom might know any other fun command which could be used in this situation, feel free to post. There might be mods aswell which include fun commands, not sure.
This all might be out of the order, beceause after all we would be changing the server settings. Furthermore, these "fun rounds" ought to be limited to perhaps 1 a day, in order to keep them fun and not irritating.But I though I'd share the idea.
NOTE : If you are not sure what all this might do to the gameplay, just go to your Ccs game and creat a server and try them out, to get a beter view how all this would be ingame.