BC2 lack of playing features is one of those things, if it was developed around.. 20 years ago, run, jump, strafe, duck and prone... why remove them?! OFC
After playing mass effect 2, I really laugh at the run/jump/use all in one key. OMG, another stupid idea.. why?!
Lets say, someone has less fingers and can't play the darned game? Bind keys for those player and leave the rest untouched.
I have no idea where do game developers get this ways to change so simple things, even developing new networking libs, geeez, like developing new compressions schemes, its pointless and complete waste of time.
I believe in order to get a server list (yes, a simple text with all servers) cannot ever take more than 1 or 2 secs, not minutes OFC, since ranked servers must be registered in some database, the only thing that may take some time was pinging them, but that can be done on the fly AFTER getting the damned list (like CS:S does) and CS:S does not really maintains a server list, its rather volatile on the master server browser.
I do have problems with coders and devs, yesterday I had a quite HOT discussion with a app coder as he was doing the same job as me (deploying virtual machines) when thats my job, not his, his job was to code and develop on the mahcines I provide, since all his work is doubled when migrating from dev to production... coders tend to be a bunch of arses I like to kick
Really, I want my prone, or at least a duck and stay there ducked position, not a keep pressing the darned key to keep prone or ducked, that suckz.