Thanks for the reply.
Don't worry too much about the language filter - probably just me trying to um.. shout at people..
But I think what was most disturbing was the fact that there was a large message being flashed in the middle of the screen suggesting people should switch teams because autobalance was about to kick in. And it never did.
I did switch, but by that time it was game over. And with the chat functionality the way it is, there was no way to communicate with anyone that the base raping that was occuring was about to kill a mostly full server...
I'm not sure of the ins and outs of game servers (I just play) but it seems that the autobalance takes a while to kick in (Autobalance coming (I believe) with the recent server update (R9 is it? not sure...).
It does seem that servers (in general) have seemed to have been more balanced recently. When the game first came out, the team stacking was horrible which is why this particular game struck me as out of the ordinary and hence my post.
I don't know, maybe there isn't much a server admin can do until there are further server updates.
P.s. Sorry if I came across as a shouty/whiney person - I don't normally even post much on game forums!