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Friendly Fire On or Off?
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TOPIC: Friendly Fire On or Off?

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Friendly Fire On or Off? 15 years ago #9894

  • VoGon
  • Official TWK Admin
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Ok guys, there has been some talk about this but we decided to poll it.

Should FF be on or off on server?

I personally feel it should be on, it gives much more realism to the game, also, people with tanks and helicopters or mortar strikes can just spam away an area without caring for who is there.

I think FF adds a whole different approach to the game. It makes you more aware of your team mates and less "trigger happy". Also most of the servers I see have it on.

I would like to ask that when you vote you post your reasons for choosing it, and loosing points because of a team kill is not a reason!
DS : No worries. I've just tried to burn then microwave then shred my wow invite.

Re: Friendly Fire On or Off? 15 years ago #9896

  • eskimo
  • Official TWK Admin
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Off because is some dick joins the server and thinks it will be cool to teamkill then it just ruins it tbh.
what does bigamy mean? One wife too many. What does monogamy mean? The same f*****g thing

Re: Friendly Fire On or Off? 15 years ago #9897

  • Luckie
  • Official TWK Admin
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On - I prefer the added realism and if some numpty does come on we can kick him

Re: Friendly Fire On or Off? 15 years ago #9908

  • liger
  • Official TWK Admin
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vogon u misspelled 2nd option
it should say "off, coz im a pussy"

PS: OOOOOOOOOOON (even tho i dont have the game )

Re: Friendly Fire On or Off? 15 years ago #9910

  • Tunes
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 3113
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FF off is for wimps and pussies

FF on brings alot more reallity to the game..

I'm sorry if you stepped on my nade... nnoba

Re: Friendly Fire On or Off? 15 years ago #9912

  • Johannicus
  • Official TWK Admin
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For me it doesnt matter, but it depends on how PB reacts to teamkills. Hate to be banned from the game because my explosive shells accidently killed some teammates.
But if PB doesnt care then Im all for to have it on. I just wish you could set the amount of dmg you take from TK, 50% dmg when taking a hit from a teammate would be ok..

ADMIN on the Minecraft server.

Re: Friendly Fire On or Off? 15 years ago #9919

  • Tunes
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 3113
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do you use hacks niccus? I believe you don't, then pb is having no problem with you.

FF should be on, after all is a simulation, and a very good one, so, FF on

God will have no mercy on who voted yes for FF off.

Re: Friendly Fire On or Off? 15 years ago #9967

  • slaB
  • Administrator
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It should be off for the following reasons:

When in a chopper, hard (hard but managable) not to miss friendlies and vehicles that are far away doesn't show the name of the player(and color) using it.
The mortar, every now and then someone runs directly into it and dies.

If you take a tank/chopper/quad bike and someone else really wanted it, they shoot the vehicle because of their "anger". (hopefully we can ban these twats whenever we get the admin rights up and running?) This is the most anoyhing thing ever.

When jumping off a quadbike (yourself or some other guy) it usually kills someone by rolling over them.

Running out of spawn, tank comes up behind you and kills you, or when tanks back up so that they don't blow up.

But the vote is the decider.

Re: Friendly Fire On or Off? 15 years ago #9972

  • Tunes
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 3113
  • Karma: 100
one word


FF on whatever it costs.

Re: Friendly Fire On or Off? 15 years ago #9974

  • Luckie
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 563
  • Karma: 0
I originally voted Yes for FF but I played the server this afternoon and I must admit - it was annoying!

It got annoying constantly being noobtubed by your teammates when helping them to capture the point! And also annoying when your team mates accidently step into your nicely lined up sniper shot!

I reckon it should be off!
Moderators: Chifilly, VooDoo, iMattR
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