eskimo wrote:
'Apparently BLIZZARD is trying to turn the StarCraft franchise into yet another World of WarCraft phenomenon - and, at the same time, using STARCRAFT II as the vehicle, BLIZZARD is trying to turn BattleNet into the new STEAM. Unfortunately this results in a barely palatable product and using your fan-base to advance your corporate ambitions is always tacky.
Although priced even more than a full premium game, this is not a complete STARCRAFT sequel. You would not know this by its price-tag(!) but this is only A...THIRD of the game, the first part of three: you can only play the Terran campaign. The Zerg and the Protoss campaigns will be released independently later (and priced as if they were full games, one could safely bet).
To add insult to injury, one has to keep spending even more money if he wants any "premium maps" and "premium content" sold only via the BattleNet. Since this is a game that will be played mostly online don't be quick to dismiss this if you have a competitive streak.'
o o o o o o o o swear:
Troll. First of the text states that they think the other 2 parts will be released as full price but they dont know. Secondly, all quickmatches are played on offical blizzard maps cause all people have those. Third, maps you dont have will be automaticly downloaded before play for those that dont have them. Those that spread these texts Im pretty sure never wants change in their lives. If it where any other company than Blizzard doing this I would be worried. But so far Starcraft 2 is worth every penny and im sure the follow ups will be aswell. And its not like the followups will be released this year so buy the game and enjoy it. If you get tired of it before the expansion then dont buy it. SIMPLE.
As a side note, you couldnt buy the DoW2 expansion only in all the stores, you had to buy the original+expansion. Even on steam you could buy the expansion only during the first week or two, then you had to buy the whole thing at full price.