Hello everybody let me start of by introducing myself, im Brad AkA Liquid Snake
Steam Name: Liquid Snake
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:40351835
Reasons for joining: well i want to join because i play WCS all the time and i just really like the people on the server, and so yeh i wish to be part of this awesome community

Servers where you play:
1, Warcraft Source, well actually all the time

2, Surf Deathmatch, sometimes when i feel like surfing
3, TWK gungame, i havnt played it yet but sure as hell will soon

4, Envy Gaming Gungame, i play this some of the times but it might wipe for the TWK gungame
and weell i play minecraft aswell and i heard u guys had a badass minecraft server so yeh i wouldnt mind to play that either hehe!
Edit : i just edited my Steam ID as i got my own account now and weell i'd rather have that one in TWK hehe