Steam Name: (the name you use on servers): Holykiller IV
Steam ID: your steam ID (can be found by typing status on console): STEAM:_0:1:17193205 00:12 78 0
Reasons for joining: (brief explanation on why you want to join us): I want to join TWK because i think they are a good clan
with smart, funny and talented players and i like there rules and servers
Servers where you play: (Self explanatory): I mostly plays on Wcs servers else i play ZM/ZE and surfs someties normal maps
Extra( A description of me) Hello i am a 14 years old Danish boy with a good humor i play guitar as one of my hobbies and else i have a band i play in every thursday when i am not with frioends or helping out at home i play which often means minium 2 hours a day sometimes i do not play at all but thats rare i got 3 sibling and are rebuilding my house so i am helping my parents a lot lately but else i am am happy boy with good humor and okay Css skills btw i dont rage about everything and dont whine about ridiciulos things
hope i can Join - Holykiller

hi and welcome to the forums , the bit in red is all lies though.