Steam Name: Ingame I use domin1c but i have used a couple of names during my time here like Dommz,Codec,dommzy and now domin1c , my steam name is realized_dom.
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:26660116
Reasons for joining: Since ive been here got a long time , ive been playing on TWK for 1 year and a half its come a long way , it has grown rapidly , due to the awesome staff. And know i feel like i want to become a part of this awesomnes

. Im active everyday for like 3-4 hours. You can see ive played a long time since im in the top 10 on the wcs server and if you go to my stats on the website see my first nickname connect date was 2009-12-03. I feel like i also can support a bit as ive already donated and will do again more in the future. I feel that TWK is a friendly family with a bunch of nice people. + I <333 the tag xD
Servers where you play:I play on all server proper servers dd2,nuke ect. Mainly i play on twk wcs server as you would seee me regurlary there if i get accepted im willing to play on other twk servers like gungame server ect.
Thanks for taking you're time to read my application.