Hey guys, i'm an avid player/user of the twk servers, and have been for a while now.
I'm sure i applied ages ago, but i don't know what happened to that and my computer died
Anyway, this is me re-applying after talking to reality a minute ago telling me how to go about it
Hopefully you'll let me in
I know you're all cool enough
Steam Name: FRANTiCz
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:13710200
Reasons for joining: As i mentioned before, i do play these servers a lot and have gotten to know quite a few members over the period of time that i have played here. It's really one of the few servers i play on, simply because i enjoy it and the community is awesome; one which i wanna be part of!
Servers where i play: TWK of course
. Mainly wcs server or gungame, but that's really about it unless i fancy a change once in a while.