i want to join twk, i have been on there warcraft servers more than the admins and other members have lately, haha. ive been playing css for many years now and come and go from playing. but at the moment iam loving it!! I only play on the twk warcraft server and i am begining to become a higher level, which is making me want to paly on the server even more!
Steam Name: jack_one1996
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:17702666
Reason for joining: as i said just above, i can't get off the server because its so addicting and enjoyable. i have started to get to know a couple of members and admins on the server as well.
Servers where i play: TWK warcraft server ONLY
ps: i also have a couple of maps which i have been wokring on, which i think would go grate on the warcraft server