Steam Name: PowerPiranha
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:40766633
Reasons for joining: My reasons for wanting to be a part of this astonishing community, blossomed within a few short weeks of playing on the TWK servers. This obviously preceded into meeting staff and members, which all share the same enthusiasm, to thrive forward and spread joy around the servers.
I for one, want to be an extension of this ever-growing community and.. Bollocks to the grammar now, haha.
I just want to join because everyone i meet from the clan kicks ass, the clan it'self kicks ass, and i kick ass. A match made in heaven. And i reckon that with me along side you all, can make this community branch out and achieve greatness.
Servers where you play: At this due time, i'm a sucker for Wcs. But i do enjoy the occasional surf/gg
Remember kids,