Steam Name: Tomsta @ University (and variations of "Tomsta"
Steam ID: your steam ID: STEAM_0:0:12800941
Reasons for joining: Looks like your a good community, with a few good servers (although i might recommend either a reg dm or tf2 servers - just a side note) and tbh getting kinda bored of having no-one other than my uni mates and old college mates to talk to, wanna find a good community with new people for me to talk to.
Servers where you play: 95% of the time play the wsc server, however if you still do mixes i can be dragged in as a last resort kinda thing, i don't really play competitvley anymore, too much uni work (as well as lots of other games, like the soon to be realsed Mass Effect 3)
Note; As i said above i'm at univerity and will be for the next 3 years (excl this year) so you may find me on as odd times or not on at all, also once it pases April, most of the time i'll most likley being revising for any exams i have, just a heads up, also note i will play on the server and on the forums, but i a casual player now, so you may find times where i'm not on the forums or servers at all (ofc i will check in every now and then)
Note II; i have met quite a few twk members on thw wcs server, people like Pooky, and DJ-Dan so if you need a referance just look for the regular members of the wcs server and they'll most likley tell what i'm like in-game