Che ken wrote:
Just thinking, wouldn't it be a good idea for each faction to have their own sub-section in the minecraft forum to allow them to chat? It would allow those who aren't on when others are to converse and make plans with each other and help build a bit of a better faction in my eyes
Also I noticed there are quite a few threads on mods which means I'm not too sure what is exactly on the servers... A list of the active mods would help clarify this (since I hear there's a currency mod and a shopping one but haven't seen any shops or anything about money so far)
Hello Che, and thanks for the ideas, about the mods, basically every player use mcmmo without knowing it, jut raising levels and playing uses the mod, right button to use the weapon skill and thats it!
Factions sections is kinda hard, it would make me create a group for each faction (manually) and assign players to it, I don't have the time for it, sorry... (maybe I can find something else)
Money exists on the server, shops were disabled cause they were causing problems with 1.8.1 update and the mod, laggin the server as hell.
I was supposed to make a decent minecraft page on the menu where it says minecraft, but then again, time is lacking...
Other players mods include residence, but that requires stupid ammounts of Crafts (because I configured it that way) to buy land, but with a faction, that can be done too.
In fact, the most usefull mod on the server is Factions, /f help will tell all there is know about it.
I will be adding the paid2mine again so people earns crafts while mining, and can latter buy stuff at the spawn shop or from player shops.