Hey MC mods!
Well folks, Minecraft will be updated soon, today or tomorrow, in the meanwhile I've decided to add two new plugins to the server.
Also added a new permission group called TWK-XMOD, with some new permissions to change more stuff around.
XMOD members
New Group permissions:
Can edit Safe and War areas.
Announce, well, does it does, announces stuff at a 3 minute interval and SimpleSpleef.
Command list
/announce add <message>
Adds a new announcement with the Message: <message>
/announce broadcast [<index>]
Broadcast an existing announcement NOW.
/announce delete <index>
Removes the announcement with the passed index.
Commands for users
Base command: /spleef or /spl
/spl help Display help
/spl announce [arena] Announce a new game (in arena)
/spl join [arena] Join a dog-eats-dog game (in arena)
/spl arenas List available arenas
/spl info [arena] Show information (on arena)
/spl list [arena] List spleefers (in arena)
/spl start Start game (spleefers only)
/spl countdown [arena] Start count down (of arena)
/spl leave Leave a game
/spl stop Stop a game
/spl delete Delete a game
/spl reset arena Reset a game in arena (delete for admins/moderators)
/spl watch [arena] Watch a game (in arena)
/spl back Teleport back to original position
Commands for XMODS
Base command: /spleef admin or /spla
/spla help Display admin help.
/spla selected Print current arena and list arenas.
/spla setarena arena Set current arena.
/spla addarena arena Create new arena.
/spla delarena arena Delete arena.
/spla arena a/b Define point a/b of arena cube.
/spla floor a/b Define point a/b of the floor cube.
/spla loose a/b Define point a/b of loose cube.
/spla spawn lounge/game/spectator/loose Set spawn point.
/spla enable/disable arena Enable/disable arena.
/spla reload reload configuration.
Worldedit (

Commands for XMODS
// for superpickaxe (no mmo levels go up that way)
//ex to extinguish fires
And the permissions worldedit.anyblock
USE THIS STUFF WITH CARE, anyway, you should have a limit on the max blocks to edit, currently 15000 blocks and maxradius of 100.
Any mod that cares, should read the the commands page at
If something is not working, please report here, I'll be adding new stuff soon and also, the Creative server is undergoing final make-up as I have the time for it, atm is up and rather un-configured.
XMODS can jail players with /togglejail user jailname (jail)
The Creative Server
My idea the users for the creative is, first announce in the survival so people join, but everyone will join guest and will be able do and touch nothing, pure read-only and no more guest griefing stuff,, everyone will have to request perms again to play there, except for the XMOD group, which will be XMOD there too.
XMODS will have the ability to add or remove users from the server, either ban or setting them in the guest group (best option), also as promoting them to Regs.
XMODS, MODS and Premiums (paid) will have the ability to use WorldGuard with a 200.000 block limit to protect its creations, however money for it will come from survival server or a reward for the premiums, thinking about 250.000 Cratfts.
For the Surival.
The arena mod suckz. And will be replacing it with another thingie, still in research as I have time avil.
If anyone has new ideas for the server, please post them around here.