"Servers can automatically suggest and distribute texture packs"; Wait, what? xD that'll be interesting
"Improved Creative mode inventory"; Mmmmmmm...
"Added hardcore difficulty: Players are banned upon death"; That will also be interesting, lol.
"Blocks other players are mining now show cracks - Screenshot"; That's cool.
"Individual, stackable items near each other on the ground now become one item stack"; This will make things 100x less laggy! Love it.
"Removed the downwards knockback while drowning"; THANK YOU!
"Doors being broken by zombies now show their damage - Screenshot"; That's cool too.
"Fixed liquids slowing down flying players"; Thank God for that! xD
"Fixed boats & minecarts not being one-hit breakable in Creative"; And that xD
"Fixed raw fish, dyes, saddles, potions, milk buckets and tools depleting in Creative"; This too
"Fixed being able to duplicate sand, gravel and powered rail"; Didn't know you could dupe powered rail, but glad there will be no more sand/gravel machines
"Fixed TNT dropping as a resource on creative mode"; That got annoying...
"Fixed arrows scooting up to the top of the block they were shot on"; That bugged me
"Fixed endermen not opening their jaws"; Woo! Creepy Endermen in multiplayer.
"Fixed fully charged arrows not showing their particle effect"; Never noticed...
"Fixed enchanted armor and tools not glowing to other players"; Niiice!
"Nether portal: Leaks into the Overworld now: Depending on difficulty, zombie pigmen rarely spawn in them"; Whoa... that's interesting!
"Wooden pressure plates: Are triggered by arrows now"; Something for the Challenge World me thinks
"Empty buckets: Stack up to 16 now"; YES!
"Signs: Stack up to 16 now"; YES!
That's what I'm excited about xD