Alas, TWK has now updated to 1.3.1 and is running rather smoothly (despite the odd lag), thanks to Tunes! So first off everyone give him a round of applause for the time put aside to deal with fixing any issues we had, and secondly, for being patient with the constant, "HURRRR DURRRR DERRRRSSS LAAAGGGGG ON DIS HERE SUURRRRRVURRRRRR!1111!!!!1"
However, irregardless of the new features and fixes, we still have a rather large issue on the fact that 1.3.1 itself is
very buggy - so classic Mojang really. This is a huge concern for server owners because servers seem to be slow and sometimes laggy. Although, it's probably more the Bukkit build of the server rather than Mojang's. So, server owners are all waiting on 1.3.2 to see what sort of bug fixes and patches are going to be introduced.
On a brighter note though, the less... technically sociable members of Minecraft's thriving community are looking forward to 1.4 which brings a selection of new features (most likely thanks to Dinnerbone). Here's a quote from the latest Mojang blog post by Jeb with a brief bit of information on their plans, and new 1.4 features:
We are currently working on two different tasks: first to patch 1.3.1 to fix the most serious bugs, and secondly on 1.4. The patch will be released as 1.3.2, and will not include any new features. This snapshot (12w32a), however, is a part of our 1.4 development, so it has some new features (confusing, eh?):
- Villagers will now react positively on new trades, and negatively if you hurt them
- Villagers will not remove trades, but trading something else may be required to renew the old ones
- Zombies and Skeletons have new equipment, depending on difficulty
- A suprise block! This block is still work in progress, but will get a crafting recipe later on
So, my two questions to you are:
- What do you hope to see in the 1.3.2 patch?
- What do you think of the new planned features in 1.4?