Hello fellow minecraft players!
Today I've added a new plugin to our survival server, that being, it's Skyblock!
It's only available to TWK-R players to avoid it getting spammed by the usual ocasional newcomers.
It's possible to create a party of up to 4 players!
PVP is disabled inside the island but enabled outside the 100 block boundary
The list of commands is pretty simple;
Create or comeback to your island
Restart your own island
/island restart
Get your own island information or others
/island info
Get island topten
/island topten
Lock/Unlock island, this will prevent anyone from entering the worldguard protection
/island lock
Party commands;
/island invite <player> invite a player duh

/island kick <player> guess what?
/island makeleader <player> (give leadership to other player)
/island partylist list all parties
That's all folks, hope you have all the fun and compete for the best island!