I would like to respectfully disagree with your disagreement.
+1 for extra warps. Yeah, More than enough if you don't have anything useful to warp to... creativity is what uses them up it's not about waste or using them on stupid things (That's a bit harsh btw, it might be a valid comment if it is stupid but that's subjective).
Also It's not fair to class /f home and /home as part of your warps imo.
/home is personal not for faction use so there's -1
/f home is a generic location which is shared by the faction and needs to be protected and isolated not changed willy-nilly -1
Then we are left with 5 which are (Key point) Shared between faction members. Now it might sound like a lot (For one person okay) but once you use them between 4-5 people you have 0. What do you do? Delete a warp or use /home? No. You might now have 1 each. It's not like we are saying everyone should bring seven warps to the faction. Just a few extra if possible.
Each of our warps is important for faction use (Speaking from my experience). It is not practical for me to use /home anymore (If this is what you are implying) due to the distance (Want to walk / travel by boat for 14+ (No Joke) hours to get home? No Thanks). Want to make scaffolding out to a far away platform in the end for hours? (No Thanks).
We can always use more warps. But you are right when you say they should be used wisely. Please give this request further consideration.