TWKgaming minecraft server updated to 1.7.2 and bukkit 953 (stable geesh), seems to be more stable, late night I'll update lots of plugins and also review permissions, settings and lots of other server related stuff
On thing I have in mind, to avoid the constant repairs I have to do and so little time I have to mess with it, sooooo, builders no longer will have access to lava, water and fire.
Sooooo, a special class will be created with access to those blocks AND a few worldedit tools, like cuboid selection and tools related.
Of course, abuse (BIG cuboids) take toll on the server, and I will detect and guess what...
Notch is planning in releasing adventure to 1.8, there are a few details in twitter and his blog, but nothing real about what kind of adventure he is interested in.
Nuff said about it, the survival is also up and running, just need to finish a few things about ranks (webpage) and it should be up soon (sorry, my time is really getting thin)
Thanks to all who play on our 24/7 dedicated minecraft, I'm also looking forward to improve its performance, as it seems slow as hell to load chunks...