I got into the server and oTWKo told me two mods griefed his base and after that i invited him to my party so i can teleport to him and once i teleported to him in like less a second he teleported outside the place he was in, what apears to be an x-ray tunnel and so i asked him what it is and he told me it's his new base entrance.
After that one of the guys who griefed him entered the game and oTWKo told me to teleport to him because he is in oTWKo's griefed base and the guy quickly left so i wouldn't be able to see where he is.
X-ray tunnel: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/840/20120404104838.png/
The griefer quickly leaving the server: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/41/20120404105509.png/
Tunes you should think what to do, also giving mods the /tp would really help because i could tp to the griefer earlier instead of relaying him joining the party...
EDIT: Tunes please check is max's and Arvnhor's ips match.