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Starecat's base
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TOPIC: Starecat's base

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Re: Starecat's base 12 years, 2 months ago #33931

  • Deity
  • Fresh Boarder
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OK lets get this all out in the open how it is from my side, and what my TRUE intentions were. I am rebuilding my base, it is going to be a Nether Base in the normal MineCraft world. It may look like it was being grieffed, but that was not my intention. like i said, I'm not done with it yet. Why would i spend so much time getting my MCMMO stats up if i just wanted to leave this server. It is unfair that i am getting punished for making a nether home on my territory. I understand how you might have seen me a to be destroying my place. If i saw someone else just placing nether rack everywhere i would think that they are grieffing. I get it. However, i told you what i was doing while i was in jail. And i still got banned.

Re: Starecat's base 12 years, 2 months ago #33935

  • Chifilly
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Your being rude from your whole response in general jack. I have not insulted anyone, and I resent that accusation. And I know it's not me who has to deal with it, but I've been an admin a long time, and this is not the first time someone hasn't been happy with our decision, but unfortunately that can't be helped, as we still have the integrity and legitimacey to keep in-tact on the server. And being insulted by 3 admins? None of us have insulted you. How exactly have we insulted you exactly? I do not recall seeing anything about you asking for the supplies, but if you did I apologise for missing it, but there was a lot going on in the chat since 5 people were talking at the same time. I only recall you requesting creative mode. We didn't refuse anything, like I said for the fourth time, we gave you the option you had, and we couldn't do anything until WorldEdit is fixed.
And Deity, it's not for the fact that you "were making a nether base" and we're not accusing you of griefing your base, we're accusing you of griefing the land itself. It's unnecessary, and part of the places you covered were not part of your land.

Also, I'm slightly annoyed that I'm having to fight this on my own, this is making me look like I'm being a complaining arsehole, and considering the fact I'm not the one that actually banned you, it's kinda silly.

Re: Starecat's base 12 years, 2 months ago #33936

  • Deity
  • Fresh Boarder
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I see what you mean now by grieffing the land. The land that wasn't mine when i started building the nether, was originally mine. I had to unclaim a lot of my land because of our faction losing power. The entire area i covered however at one point, did belong to StareCat. I hope that helps clear things up. Oh yeah, and as for the asking for supplies thing, i had sent a private message to Voodoo. I requested that if our entire base would be cleared by one of the admins, and if they would compensate us with some supplies. That is why you didn't see it in chat. It's not your fault.

Re: Starecat's base 12 years, 2 months ago #33939

Sorry its taken me so long to join the discussion, work is SUPER busy around this time
From my point of view this is what happened... You said something about your base and within 1 or 2 mins of that there were 3 admins there looking around and figuring out what should be done. We came to the Constitution that the area must have glitched out due to the area being sliced in half. We said the only thing we can do is wait until worldedit is back up so we can either rest the chunks and you can start again or try and reset to the point where your buildings are so you can salvage something. You were understandably unhappy because all your work was gone and nothing much can be done to save it.

You said something about leaving the server, so later on when we noticed you were still on we came back over to you to find you running around placing random bits of netherakk, lava, water and generally making the area look like a shit hole. I can understand that you might want a nether base and there are limitations in the nether like water and bed issues, BUT the nether is a cube of netherakk with space inside where you hang out and stare at the crazy lava lakes, NOT random bits of netherakk and lava. if you had built it underground that would have been fine, or even made a clean cube of netherakk and claimed it then that probably would have gone unmentioned and unhindered.
That being said we called you out on it and you were jailed to stop you as you failed when we told you we didnt like it. This rapidly became an argument with you complaining that you cant do what you want and the server being a communist society and such. You were generally just being annoying and ignoring what we were trying to tell you so you were banned.
At the end of the we tried to help and made the area look shit and then harrased us about our actions. What admins say goes. We dont ask a lot and let people do as they please. You went over the top and were called out for it.

In my opinion you can either find another server OR calm down, let us regen the area so you can go back to building again. I will happily give you some Basic supplies to get you going as it was no-ones fault but a simple glitch. Its not just up to me, the admin team will need to come to a conclusion on what should happen.

Other then that, Happy Christmas and sorry the post is SO long


Re: Starecat's base 12 years, 2 months ago #33944

  • VooDoo
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Well, firstly I'd also like to say sorry to Chifilly for not joining the discussion until now but I like to evaluate the discussion before commenting to make sure I know as much as possible about the situation.

Deity wrote:
as for the asking for supplies thing, I had sent a private message to Voodoo. I requested that if our entire base would be cleared by one of the admins, and if they would compensate us with some supplies. That is why you didn't see it in chat.

Okay, a few comments to make about ^that quote

1. You DID ask me for supplies and I DID respond, You asked if I could regen the land and give you supplies to help rebuild. My response was something along the lines of "I cannot regen the land as of now due to WorldEdit being broken therefore I would rather not give supplies until the region is fixed." (I say this to assure no more bugs in the area before you start re-building) I did mention the fact that WorldEdit was broken so we couldn't do much at the time numerous times to assure you understood.

I'd also want to mention during this WHOLE thing Me, Chifilly and Steve_Donno were discussing possible actions or fixes that we could do. We decided that creative is a 100% no-go because there would be a possibility of spawning free items and the possibility of other problems (as chif mentioned). So we came up with the conclusion that we'd wait for world edit to be fixed and then we could help you. (which I did mention previously in the convosation).

As for the whole "Disrespect" thing I'd like to say even after explaining to you that we didn't have many options to go from you then threatened to quit the server because the "Admins were being ignorant and not caring" but as much as I wanted to help you, we had no REAL options to supply you guys with at the time and therefore couldn't do much to help you at the time.

And as for the ban, I was the person that banned you and for the reason that you would not be quiet and were (seemingly) repeatedly trying to begin arguing again. I'm happy to lift the ban as it was mainly a "Spur-of-the-moment" type thing, so I will unban you next time I'm online.

Sorry for any confusion, I hope this post puts an end to the arguments and upset and I hope you're issue is resolved soon but I cannot promise any "SOON" fixes (as you probably know by now, i cannot regen the land without worldedit ).

Last Edit: 12 years, 2 months ago by VooDoo.

Re: Starecat's base 12 years, 2 months ago #33949

  • Deity
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 8
  • Karma: 0
Well, i appreciate that Voodoo, but i wasn't trying to just argue with you guys for no reason. I was trying to have my point heard. You guys may have mistaken what i was saying, as me trying to be an asshole, but i assure you those were not my intentions.
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