Chifilly wrote:
the "insults" from Rena are friendly banter. She does it to everyone. We all do it to each other. It's just a bit of fun. If you'd have actually said to anyone you don't like it and are taking offence to it, they would stop.
Yeah, everyone insults each-other, and I do agree that Rena does target Space, only for the simple reason that he makes himself an easy target, he never even tries to defend himself when she insults him, but as you said.. its nothing more than a joke.
Chifilly wrote:
VooDoo world editing pumpkins to get his Herbalism to 1000 is not true. I'm sure you've seen his old base on the old map. It had the largest pumpkin farm on the server.
Until tunes made one... pahahaha, his was insanely big. (over 2000 pumpkins if i correctly remember, mine was about 248) and yes.. I'll admit it, I did worldedit a tower of pumpkins from about Y:82 to skylimit (128 at the time) which was about 4x2 blocks wide, so 368 pumpkins, I did this like 2-3 times.
Chifilly wrote:
I don't know if Gimp setting his archery to 1000 is true, so I can't comment on that.
I do believe that this is true, but its not like it has any significance as gimp was already relatively close to level 1000 in the first place, not only that but he only did it as a test with Renadragon to see the damage that the bow would do when at max archery and in full diamond armour (although doesn't seem like he's reset it.)
I believe that space_cowboy is only bringing up these other issues to distract the staff team from his own issues, this thread was made to discuss space's issue not for space to bring up complaints about other staff members in order to cover his own ass. I'm not on on anyones 'side' but I do not think that this is a fair conclusion, I've been talking to "Shadow343179" and he said that he didn't like the fact that space had stole his stuff and nor did he want space to steal his stuff, and I don't want to cause arguments between space and shadow, so space if you read this, don't go raging at Shadow.